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I've been trying to make a nonconsecutive thermodoku for a while (>10 hours spent shuffling numbers) but I think the ideas I have may be impossible :(
4 hours later…
@bobble i like having an online solver open in a separate tab (if you can find one that supports those rules)
every few steps check that a solution exists with the givens you have so far
because it's easy to break the puzzle in a non-obvious way that you only find out somewhere down the line
and also because i suck at solving sudoku and might just break it in an obvious way and not see it
4 hours later…
Q: three "groups of musicians"

Prim3numbahWhat should replace the question mark? Explain why. If, 001 111 100 | | | | | | | | = 2:3 | | | | 010 111 100 | | | | | | | | = 2:3 | | | | 100 111 100 | | | | | | | | = 2:3 | | | | Then, 000 110 100 | ...

1 hour later…
I forgot there was a C4 going on lol
2 hours later…
@Jafe that's how I know it's likely impossible. Once I get to at least 17 numbers I generate 500 solutions and... every single one fails the non-consecutive constraint
I can't find a nonconsecutive solver
@oAlt oopsie
9 hours later…
Q: The dessert problem (blind ballot remaining blind if non-unanimous)

Mark GreenA group of (possibly over-polite) people have just finished their meal at a restaurant. One of them asks, "Does anyone want dessert?" The table goes quiet. Some of the people might want dessert. But nobody wants to say "yes" first, in case they are the only one, and look like a pig while making e...

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