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Stack Overflow is trying an experiment for comments: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/432657/…
Would be interesting to see how the experiment goes
2 hours later…
Change can be coins and S can be signature (according to Collins), but that leaves coin = building, which isn't really... the best pair of synonyms
Q: A strange conversation

vallavAlice and Bob are having a strange conversation: Alice: "Let's start you easy: e4, knight to f6" Bob: "Hmm... 18854" Alice: "Good! Okay, now... king to e4, rook to a7" Bob: "(thinking...) 37531" Alice: "Correct again." Can you figure it out? Hint:

5 hours later…
@oAlt I was thinking signature could be "X" but can't find a five-letter word for change ending in X.
@oAlt Along the lines you suggested, "change" could be the plural of the name of a coin, like DIMES or EUROS or….
@msh210 ah right
1 hour later…
CCCC4 Hint 1: This is a double def
Q: What is the smallest possible Block-party puzzle that can be created?

Will.Octagon.GibsonIn a previous question, I gave an example of a Block-party puzzle. For the purposes of this question, I will define a Block-party puzzle as follows: The puzzle creator starts with an nxn grid and tiles it with connected polyominoes so that there is a unique solution according to the Block-party r...

@bobble that's sounds encouraging to me
@AncientSwordRage surely this is rebar, where signature indicates time signature?
@oAlt ooh nice
I didn't think searching "change signature" in Wiktionary would work, but it did
well found
@oAlt yes, that was quicker than expected!
Q: The probability of

FridayWhat is the probability of this question? There are 6 violet balls, 7 orange balls, and 2 yellow balls in a basket. If you take 7 balls, what is the probability that you take 5 orange balls? The balls are taken without replacement, and they are not independent.

this is somewhat hilarioud
i told my wife she's too dumb to know the answer to that coloured ball question and now there's an additional pair of blue ones
@Jafe đź’€
CCCC: Portuguese city's hurt about failed capital (4 2 5)
porto's pain about F = port of spain
CCCC: Portuguese city's enjoyable tea salon's centrepiece (7)
@Jafe fun cha _l_
CCCC: Portuguese town has revamped train (6)
Jun 5, 2024 at 7:16, by oAlt
Sometimes hard to come up with clues on the spot
1 hour later…
@oAlt 's intra*
@msh210 yep
I suspect this answer of being AI-generated purely because of its illogic
Does their latest comment compute to anyone?
CCCC: Vehicle from Portugal with gear half-stuck in reverse (4)
@bobble Doesn't look AI-generated to me. (Doesn't look any good to me either.)
Their latest comment seems confused but it seems more like human confusion than LLM confusion.
Fair enough
Q: What simple word is this?

RogerAA word With an A you have a place With a B you have a bus With a C you have a college With a D you some money What is it?

2 hours later…
@msh210 TRAP = P(_AR)T<
2 hours later…
@DanielS aye
2 hours later…
CCCC: Setters’ entrance to party in Portugal. (5)
2 hours later…
You're correct that adding to zero arithmetically causes it to change (for example, 0 + 1 = 1). However, the riddle is about placeholder zeros in numbers, not math operations. For instance, adding a zero to 5 to create 05 only modifies the number's form rather than its value. "I'm not even myself" is a pun; mathematically, zero is even, but the riddle uses "even" to mean "identical" or "flat." The solution relies on wordplay rather than rigorous mathematical reasoning! — Creative Neo 2 hours ago
I'm sorry but what the
"even" != "identical"
My previous comment notes that the riddle's answer has something added to it, it isn't added to something else. Adding something to zero changes it. It doesn't matter that you can add leading numbers to things, since 0 (assuming it's the answer) would have to be the addee, not the added
In what sense could 0 be considered either flat or not flat??
What pun? What?
And there's still the other lines of the riddle
Q: You're winning on the chessboard, but losing on the clock. Can you salvage the draw?

noedneYou are playing in an over-the-board blitz tournament governed by the FIDE Laws of Chess. Your opponent has just played the move g2, reaching the following position: K1Bk4/7b/8/4Q3/8/8/1p4p1/8 w - - 0 1 As White, you should be winning. There's just one problem—you only have eleven seconds left...

@bobble I think this would be ai-gen, I have never ever seen the use of the exclamation mark before apart from ai using it as their final sentence
Yeah I thought it was AI-gen before, since it has the hallmarks of not actually understanding the words it's using. Plus now the standard behavior of always agreeing initially to whatever you say, then going off on a tangent

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