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Q: Variant of "The Honest, The Liar, And The Elusive"

crixstoxPreface I did not read the puzzle "The Hones, The Liar, And The Elusive" carefully and solved a slightly different puzzle (I realized it prior to posting an answer). Below find a self-contained version of my variant. The text is taken from the original one with differences being emphasized. Puzzl...

1 hour later…
@bobble Seems like an improvement. Done.
@bobble Not that I remember, but I'm pretty good at forgetting things :-). If there's a bug causing these figures to be inflated, it seems very plausible that that's what's happened here.
1 hour later…
@msh210 is this tense = tens (the representation of tens in hexadecimal starts with a representation of ten as A) & E?
Q: how to find the interior point of a polygon furthest from an edge, which also overlaps with another polygon

John J.Here are 4 polygons which at least partly overlap with another polygon (shown in orange). We can calculate the interior point of each polygon furthest from the polygon's edge by finding the center of the maximum inscribed circle, as shown below. My question is, how can I find the interior point f...

@oAlt not my intent, I'm afraid
3 hours later…
@PolygonPotpourri (:
Q: What year she was born?

Thirdy YabataNote: I created this puzzle. I met a girl that was born a few years ago. Her birth certificate has typo on her Date Of Birth (DOB), so her birth year looks like: She was born on a year that is actually a composite "typoed"-number year, but if that "typoed" year would have been prime, it will be ...

2 hours later…
@msh210 Is this EAGER (Anxious)? = EA (for one) + G(-etting) + ER (A&E)
Oh right I forgot about that meaning of A&E
It's the only one I know!
1 hour later…
@Stiv yessir
Never knew 'ea' before - new one on me
CCCC: I miss Alan badly - they spend most of their time at sea (9)
Aye aye
I can't hear you.
Who lives in a pineapple under the CCCC?
@Stiv it is (or at least was) also a cable/satellite TV channel in the States
Ah, I see - with my line of work it will always be a medical connection I make first.
CCCC: Elegant Justin seasick: they spend most of their time at sea (11 (1.1.))
@msh210 this must be LIEUTENANTS JG*
@TakingNotes it must indeed
CCCC: Jackal or zodiac victim? First, resolve an ongoing duel. (8 / 7)
(the slash doesn't indicate a schrodinger, it's just part of the answer)
Did you mean "feud" rather than "duel" in the clue?
feud could replace duel in the clue but i don't necessarily think duel is wrong
okay, sounds good
I guess the options for words there are dual in number.
1 hour later…
few'd think otherwise
gladys #79 is out, the end is nearingg~
Q: Triple Digits – killer sudoku + crossword

JafeThis is part 79 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Dear Puzzling, Sometime during this trip I believe I have finally passed the milestone of 100 distinct countries visited. To celebrate, here’s a puzzle dealing with triple digits! The right-hand...

The only feud I know is the Kendrick-Drake feud, but that's not usually spelled with a slash, nor is it the right enumeration
That wasn't meant to be a reply, oops
zodiac killer's victims were called Faraday, Ferrin, Hartnell, Jensen, Mageau, Shepard and Stine
2 hours later…
JACKAL OR ZODIAC V_ would be the right number of letters but I'm having a hard time pulling any useful anagrams out of it
lotta points on a scrabble board tho
@TakingNotes ^^^
well I stand corrected lol
@juicifer same, nice find from Daniel
Literally a match between them ongoing at the time of posting as well...
4 hours later…
@DanielS yep!
2 hours later…
CCCC: Ambiguous cryptic resolved in a quote that was written down 100 years ago. (11, 8)

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