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Q: An eight-letter trigonometric alphametic

Will.Octagon.GibsonUsing all the integers 1 through 8 inclusive (each exactly once) assign a number to each of the eight letters below: A C E I N O S T Different letters must stand for different numbers. The goal is to assign the numbers so that for each of the five trigonometric functions below, the numbers corre...

2 hours later…
great to finally be able to close and reopen questions
another "fun" fact about the all-time editor's page: I am the only person in the top twelve (top three rows) to have less than 11k rep. Usually top editors also have gads of rep
However I am weird and when my posting slacked off my moderation did not
@juicifer I think this is CANDY (Perhaps Mars) = C AND Y (colony at extreme locations)
@Ankoganit spot on
CCCC: Expected to get excited and follow gym class teacher (9)
Q: What is the title of the song?

Thirdy Yabata I am a song that is based on buildings that contains many units as rentable houses. The building is located in Seoul, so the price of rent is $124. My first few lyrics is a countdown to start a game. Hint:

3 hours later…
@Ankoganit PEDAGOGUE (teacher) = P.E. + D(AGOG)UE
@bobble The Wayback Machine archive you made for my question (puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/130126/…) doesn’t seem to work. When I click the link you provided, only the first page of the .pdf is displayed.
works for me, opens a 10-page pdf
btw looks like you're one away from the 200-question club @Will.Octagon.Gibson, nice going
1 hour later…
@Jafe That’s strange; I wonder why it works for you but not me (I use an iPad). I wasn’t aware I was approaching 200 questions. Maybe I’ll eventually get a second Socratic badge. I joined Puzzling primarily to share puzzles when the pandemic started. Before that my focus was on my university’s annual Math Camp.
5 hours later…
@Stiv wow, I knew pedagogy but not that one
@GentlePurpleRain relevant:
May 15, 2021 at 12:00, by oAlt
CCCC: Friend and I approach heart of chaotic city (4, 4)
@Stiv also, nice find
@Will.Octagon.Gibson (works for me too, fwiw)
@Will.Octagon.Gibson it works for me like jafe
@Stiv yep
2 hours later…
@Stiv nice
3 hours later…
@bobble I guess the Wayback Machine .pdf problem is on my end. Sometimes my iPad has a bit of trouble displaying .pdf files.
1 hour later…
CCCC: Bird not seen east of California (6)
@Stiv CA nary
@msh210 CO rrect

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