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@bobble I think he means he wants to be young again
5 hours later…
Q: which course do students prefer after 12 in defence academy?

cadetsdefenceincluding Best NDA coaching in Dehradun which gives good knowledge about defence coaching

Q: 6 x 6 Sashigane puzzle

Will.Octagon.GibsonSashigane rules: Divide the grid into L shaped blocks - one block wide. All blocks must be L shaped. Cells with open circles form the knee (bend) in a block. The number in an open circle shows the number of cells in its block. Open circles without numbers may have any number of cells. Cells with...

I am developing another cryptic family reunion idea... I need to make one more puzzle before classes start again
2 hours later…
@DanielS "gratuitous displays of youth" could definitely be misinterpreted
"your face is a gratuitous display of youth!" "oh thanks!"
@msh210 Teletubbies famously being a precursor to Goggle Box (🤭)
true story, one time an army sergeant was not happy with our performance and asked (in angry sergeant voice) "what do the teletubbies say?"
(expected answer was "again, again")
someone piped up from the back row and said "big hug, sir!"
i think "sneaks out of television network" could be a synonym for sneaks minus some abbreviation for a tv network
"out of" works both ways as an indicator like that... i'm out of here vs i'm out of money
@Jafe It could have been TELEVISIONNETWORK-SNEAK = eeiilnoorttvw, but there's also an 'A' owed
and two s's in "sneaks"
oh there's two of them...
@Jafe ok that is funny lol
TWIN PEAKS could be the TV show
2 hours later…
C4 hint: This one was written in a hurry and was just riffing on the theme of previous clues.
2 hours later…
Q: A tale of two: What's my friend trying to say?

Logan SweeneyMy friend keeps sending me weird messages.. one of them was this list of absolutly nothing: Number 6 Logotherapy Brings bad luck Directed and was in 🦁♥️ P.S. remember that you mostly only need the first

3 hours later…
Sneaks can be infiltrates but I'm not seeing the wordplay
Well, if this is following on from the X-FILES links you have inFILtratES which may be useful...
In fact, I imagine its eXFILtratES being 'sneak out' but the full wordplay...
'sneaks out' even
E! Entertainment Television is an American basic cable television network. It is owned by the NBCUniversal Media Group division of Comcast's NBCUniversal. The channel focuses primarily on pop culture, celebrity based reality shows and movies. As of November 2023, E! is available to approximately 71,000,000 pay television households in the United States-down from its 2011 peak of 99,000,000 households. == History == === Movietime === E! was originally launched on July 31, 1987, as Movietime, a service that aired movie trailers, entertainment news, event and awards coverage, and interview...
E! is your television network
AH, snap!
and escort=tart as in prostitute
So it's E! + XFIL(TART<)ES @DanielS
well done putting it all together
oALt's 'infiltrates' idea put me on the right track at last!
@Stiv It is indeed!
The truth was out there!
CCCC: Asian partner's dad 1, Boss 0 (8)
@Stiv FIL (as in father in law) + 1 + PIN (as in kingpin? not totally sure tbh) + 0
second half could also be parsed as PI + NO but unless you happen to work for a private investigator idk why PI would be boss either
@juicifer Correct in general, though boss=pin here in as in "boss = a rivet, or pin with a large head" :)
When I saw this, I thought the dad could be PA, the 1 an L, so you could end up with PALOALTO, which would make @oAlt the Boss! (Not sure how Palo Alto would be an Asian partner, though...) :P
@Stiv ah ok
I looked briefly but couldn't find that for some reason
CCCC: Small shirt in youth section (4)
Q: No Queen is red herring

BenthegeolologistWe played a game of fairy chess Upon a sandy plane, a mess I lost a little and lost a lot I found myself a Ferz, aghast! A faerie borrowed body Taken fair for fare- ante Passing liege and carts before the horse Fought a battle staid and stayed course A farther four further went I hid, breaking ru...

@juicifer TINY (Small) = _T IN Y_
@Stiv ʸᵉᵖ
CCCC: Finger food is fashionable - grasp with fashionable fingers (essentially) (7,4)
@Stiv chic ken w/ in _g_
@juicifer Yesss
CCCC: Perhaps Mars colony at extreme locations? (5)
@juicifer Not confident, but could this be ALERT, a colony at extreme locations, where MARS is an alert system?
@GentlePurpleRain not a bad answer, but not what I was going for
Q: "Smallest" cryptarithm

Hauke ReddmannCan you find an unique cryptarithm (alphametic) with all 10 digits used and only 10 digit symbols occuring at all? Like $AB\times CDE=FGHIJ$, but than one is not unique. You may peruse all special keyboard characters like . (period) or ! (faculty), but ^ (power) suffices (I know at least one work...

Ok, then it's definitely CRABS, which could be considered a colony, and live in an "extreme location". And Mars, perhaps? :P
(okay, I'm done now)
@GentlePurpleRain go directly to jail, do not pass go
Can I collect $200?
we're out of money at the moment
Q: Progressive matrix grid variant

causative (I relied on the image from "IQ Arena" to help make a nice looking grid, but this one is original.)

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