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CCCC: Firearms protected with secure code - ultimately vying to eliminate character on the far left that's "woke" (10)
@juicifer (-g)UNS+LEE+PIN+_G
By the Second Amendment, Americans may have arms at their bedside to protect themselves, so that they are always gunsleeping
@noneuclideanisms that's right
CCCC: Near the shore, lieutenant said "Got it!" (8)
@noneuclideanisms L(it)t. oral
that's it!
CCCC: Misrepresent with Axis country (6)
@oAlt BELI(Z)E
@DanielS yep
CCCC: Awakening setter alongside bunk while turning over. (6)
3 hours later…
@DanielS SATORI (Awakening) = (I+ROT+AS)<
@Stiv That's the one!
The CCCC is so often an education in interesting words for me...
CCCC: OP follows sumo wrestling whilst in queue for airport transfer vehicle (9)
@Stiv li(mous* I)ne
@oAlt Yep :)
CCCC: He doesn't believe picket's messing around (7)
@oAlt SKEPTIC (He doesn't believe) = PICKETS*
@Stiv yes
CCCC: Agent Mulder initially lied - damn, busted! (9)
M_ + iddleman* = agent
@Jafe Quite so
CCCC: Scully, are crackers lacking reference to a higher power? (9)
i was gonna work on my cryptic which is >50% done but if this nonsense is the best i'm coming up with it might be wiser to go straight to bed
working title is "handsome dude, not too smart"
i'd claim the title is autobiographical but unfortunately some people here have seen my face
MD5 hash for lowercase answer is 0176b4a29b807698fc4343b29d219eb4
(Hash checks out)
yeah that's it
CCCC: Sneaks out of television network to escort return of over-arching ‘90s show. (11)
2 hours later…
Here we go... and I'm not sure it's even here
@Jafe moreso your mind
I can think of only two eleven-letter shows that were on in the 90s, and I can't find wordplay for either one.
(They are, of course, the children's show Teletubbies and the baking show YeastEnders.)
Add GamesMaster to that list... Of course if the def is at the other end then the show in question will be a very short name.
well, I have even less chance than usual of solving the cccc if I have to know television shows!
especially ones from before I was born
(I was born in the aughts)
1 hour later…
Q: Finding an answer based on some colors

Prim3numbahWhat is this colorful puzzle made of? (6)(9) Note: This is not a knowledge based puzzle, however you most likely will have to look up something to get the final answer. Good luck!

@bobble Gratuitous displays of youth are not way to get on my good side.
sorry? (I'm unsure whether that was supposed to be a joke)
@bobble I get that with a lot of my jokes ;-)
In any case, if it helps, I learn about social media by reading the news
I don't even have a LinkedIn, much less a TikTok. (My parents think I should get the former...) I communicate with friends/family via good old texting
(Oh, and Discord I guess... better for large group chats)
For my part, GeoCities launched when I as 25...
Q: Guessing the correct combination for a certain weight without knowing the weight of each item

BlueTrinProblem: You are given N items. You need to figure out what combination of these objects gives a certain unknown target weight. You do not know the target weight and the weight of each item. Each time you give a selection of items you can only know if you are over, under or equal to the target we...

Q: Progressive Matrix with 3x3 grids that have dark blue and light blue cells

Logine MagdiI have downloaded (IQ test- IQ Arena) app on IOS and I don’t know how to solve this.

1 hour later…
Q: Meta cross-number

AlephSquirrel Leading 0s are not allowed. The Across and Down clues are given in the usual left-to-right, top-to-bottom order, but you have to figure out where their corresponding answers go. Not all white cells will be filled. In each "8"-shaped section, the answers will form a seven-segment style digit, for...

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