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9 hours later…
The 10-letter Scot starting with a C is probably Scot Coooooogan.
Of course, this may not come as a surprise anymore, but it's confirmed (bio)
wouldn't it only be confirmed if it's in both bios? like i could put "alt of Deusovi and Rand al'Thor" in my bio anytime
(philosophical question, i have no doubt the users in question are the same person)
I guess that's true
@Jafe Deus and Rand?
1 hour later…
let's say yes
went through a list of cities and towns in scotland, not seeing anything promising that starts with C
2 hours later…
Q: NOOB) What should I do with the picture with some imogi on it?

N00bI'm playing an ARG, and I got a picture with some pictograms...? imogi...? kind of that things. And IDK what to do!!! I've put the image on notepad, and I tried to use some decoders but it doesn't work at all. Can u give me some hints? Just a way to go on. I've never solved online puzzle before

1 hour later…
@oAlt it does make me tense, you're right
C4 hints: 1. The first letter is C, and the definition is in the beginning of the clue. 2. The definition consists of more than one word.
waves at Slate
"scot, may, march, along with others"?
I found the word "Cetsamhain" which means 'opposite samhain' which includes the month of may
@Ankoganit found it. @AncientSwordRage was right. It's an anagram of "many topics", capitonyms. They change meaning when their first letter is capitalized. Scot refers to a Scotsman, but scot refers to a tax. Similarly, May and March are months, but may and march are common nouns meaning something else
jeez that's clever
@Jafe and of course Jafe was right too, so thanks to the both of them
@oAlt Yay
What confounded me was the fact it's not in any of the Quinapalus dictionaries
@oAlt that's exactly right, well found!
@AncientSwordRage I didn't check but yes I did guess that was what happened
CCCC: While moving knight in, White ran out of time. Result? A cry (5)
MD5 hash of the lowercase answer is b2028854c04b1d2bc8c22946380caca7
1 hour later…
@Ankoganit nice
@oAlt whi(t→N)e
… and the md5 checks out.
CCCC: Mr. Tyler's voice (6)
3 hours later…
@bobble I've swapped to doing 3 a day, unless there's little enough activity that I'd be taking up too much of the top of the front page (like today)
I do a lot of editing for other reasons which can lead to a lot of "modified by bobble" cluttering the active posts

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