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@Stiv can (≈ may) is outside, and IA (along with others as Jafe suggested) is also there, but that's as far as it can go
2 hours later…
@oAlt march along ≈ led on ?
3 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage yeah, but the tenses unfortunately
1 hour later…
Q: Which door leads out?

Erel Segal-HaleviWhile visiting a university in Israel, I entered a lobby that leads to three offices. After visiting one of the offices, I went back to the lobby, and wanted to go out. Unfortunately, I forgot which door leads out. I could check each of the four doors, but I did not want to disturb the dwellers o...

5 hours later…
Q: Show that these radii are in a geometric sequence

DanIn the diagram, circles of the same color are congruent. Show that the green, blue and red radii are in a geometric sequence. (This question is much easier than my related question on MSE.)

Q: Something fantastic in common (/ by an invisible line)

Prim3numbahAs usual, the answer will be clear once you figure out what the puzzle is about. 4277 3690 2530 1317 4060 1525 7695 4060 1539 4560 2665 3991 3075 4270 1620 4563 6688 2745 5776 6075 7290

5 hours later…
Q: Pete's Pike 7x7 - The hardest puzzle

UltraThis puzzle that I have created is inspired by the Thinkfun game Pete's Pike. This is, so far, the puzzle with the longest solution. Rules We have only red and blue tokens. The aim is to get the red token to the center of the board. Tokens may only move vertically or horizontally. Each move, tok...

2 hours later…
Q: A lady and her husband

Tyoma2139A lady shot her husband. Then she drowned him under water for seven minutes. Then, she hung him up to dry. That afternoon, she and her hsband went out to have dinner and go Bowling. How is this possible?

Q: Only Connect Word wall style problem

Enoch3114This is a puzzle from my local Parish magazine (small village near Bristol) that has stumped me. The rules are as follows: "All you have to do is arrange the 24 items on our wall into six sets of four. You'll also need to provide an exact description of what connects the items in each of your set...

1 hour later…
I had been working on a puzzle but then I got ill and stopped and now that I'm mostly recovered I don't feel like puzzle-setting. Unfortunate.

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