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12:15 AM
Q: The King takes a stroll

calculatormathematicalI have got a fun chess puzzle here, have fun solving it! In a game, the Black King is on a square that he likes. Unfortunately, he is under attack on that square. Your task is to find a sequence of (normal) moves (but without white moving) for the Black King that will return him to his desired s...

4 hours later…
4:44 AM
Q: What is the smallest number of glasses the team can move to perform Coach Newton’s challenge?

Will.Octagon.GibsonBeginner puzzle (suitable for people who are new to puzzle solving) Coach Newton sets up ten glasses arranged in a triangle as shown, with the glasses numbered 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10 full of water and the others empty. The coach challenges the team to rearrange the glasses into the second configu...

6 hours later…
10:20 AM
Q: I am a word of letters three. .

DaronI am a word of letters three, Remove just one letter and I still sound the same. You can find me in a month, a day, or even in a name. What am I?

3 hours later…
1:19 PM
Q: "Some" depicted

Prim3numbahWhat is the answer to this puzzle? ... and btw, there's only one that works, check the tag ;)

This is the last puzzle in this series. Gladys will return once she figures out how to make puzzles that take less than a month of work to finish. — Jafe Aug 23, 2022 at 13:01
here's me two years later still taking a month between episodes
[Looking after family] (HEIRLOOMS synonym S_ ALL)*?
can't anagram a synonym, if it's an anagram the letters have to be included in the clue
I see.
Ankoganit wouldn't do that to us.
Aug 29 at 9:51, by Ankoganit
yeah, that's why I'm careful about indirect anagrams
1:42 PM
Q: Bazaars and Bananas

JafeThis is part 71 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Dear Puzzling, The black letters in this grid form a Hitori puzzle. Shade some cells in the grid so that no two unshaded cells in the same row or column contain the same letter. Shaded cells can...

1 hour later…
3:10 PM
can confirm there's no indirect anagramming involved
Almost 48h C4 hint: "stores" is an (admittedly iffy) indicator.
...so OPENS 'stores' ALL AROUND?
...perhaps VAST or ACE for ALL AROUND?
3:57 PM
I wonder what kind of indicator stores would be? If it were a containment indicator then I don't think that's iffy at all, so it probably has to be something else
4:51 PM
@oAlt I guess "[word] stores" could be the interior of "word" (or of a synonym of "word")

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