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CCCC: Symbol of authority is the opposite of N-word? (5)
Woah there Jafe
@msh210 think they mixed up their sports, invisible belts should clearly be ninjutsu
@Jafe I think this is SWORD? the opposite of N-word being the S-word
alternatively, yamen (a symbol of authority in China) = Y (opposite of N) + amen ( = I agree = "Word.")
2 days ago, by msh210
@oAlt until you've checked whether you've accidentally created a Schrödinger, you both have and haven't
@Ankoganit Why is N-word opposite of S-word?
N is the opposite of S (as in compass directions)
@Ankoganit this is correct
@msh210 this seems to work really well but not intended
It was actually a hidden Schrodinger that you 100% meant to do
It's like an easter egg you know
And you can say amen to that
an eaströdinger, if you will
the opposite of weströdinger
CCCC: Promise to get married after wife is no longer married (7)
@Ankoganit I do, to get wed, after W = widowed (no longer married)
@oAlt yep, very quick!
Yeah, it clicked together after I found out "wed" and what the promise was
CCCC: Mark used for letter a sign of approval, having moved (6)
1 hour later…
Anyone want to proofread my feedback for the cryptic crossword before I publish it? Just so that I'm not saying anything stupid
eh, imma post it. Roast me in the comments if I said anything incorrect
A: My first cryptic crossword

Prince North LæraðrSolved: Across: Down: I will admit, I'm a bit newer(ish) to cryptic clue solving, so some of these might not be all that bad. I (and I think most of the users of this site) are fairly Ximenean when it comes to cryptic crossword constructions, so that also influences a l...

I wonder if the C4 is like ACCENT
The parsing doesn't seem to work though
What about an UMLAUT
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ah, thanks for the idea. I believe it's ogonek (OK, a sign of approval, containing GONE, moved).
I thought you were being sarcastic
@msh210 I thought it was some sort of "mark used for letter"
I literally had the wikipedia page open, I can't believe I missed it :P
@msh210 correct!
oAlt can I ask how the heck you learned that word
@msh210 right before you pinged me I typed out OWENTK into google xD
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I've probably seen it on Wikipedia before, randomly scrolling. But regardless of whether that's true or not, I saw it again after a clue by msh
But I lean toward the possibility that it's true
Jun 24 at 11:26, by msh210
CCCC: Ogonek (or breve) is circumflex, mirrored and discontinuous. (6)
the random wikipedia scrolling is so relatable
That scrolling is also why some of my clues clued random cities
Do you guys think like, how do I put it, an indirect homophone(?) in a wordplay is fair?
> Cutout for bug without vision, say (5) INSE(-c)T
I wrote in my feedback that I didn't really like it, but I also haven't seen them very often
Like I would be sorta okay with "cut out bug without sea, say" or something
(Disclaimer: not an English expert here, and other opinions won't be the same as this)

**3a:** I think busy = loud can mean "having too much (contrasting) details that it pains your eyes". "Busy as a bee" is a phrase meaning "very busy", so I think it's fine as long as there's a question mark at the end
**15a:** "For" is a wordplay-definition connector
**21a:** "Inside every computer" doesn't really mean a noun, but something like "It's inside every computer" would
**1d:** Upward burst is a burst that goes upward, so that part of the clue is fine
Huh, why does the bold formatting not work. But anyway
I mean, the asterisks aren't doing their job
Oops, for 21a I meant "they're", not "it's"
And a plural noun rather than just "a noun"
Okay I do agree now looking again upward burst is a burst going upwards
I can buy that
I think "unearthed life" is supposed to be ET like extraterrestial
Also I don't like "for" as a splitter
Oh I see a lute can be "a music maker" because when it plays it makes music
I was thinking it was trying to be a synonym of bard
I don't think "Tree stowed in helmet" is still a valid clue
I like tree stowed in hat, but where's the definition?
If the definition is TREE than the wordplay is stowed in hat
Oh I see
Stowed in helmet hELMet
But I don't know if stowed in hat is fair
> Another type of extraction clue is the "hidden word" clue. This type involves a word hidden inside a phrase inside the clue. The easiest way to understand this clue type is by example:
Q: Cryptic Clue Guide

Deusovi This post is not a puzzle. There is nothing puzzly hidden inside it or the self-answer, posted at the same time. What exactly is a cryptic crossword clue, and how do I write one?

Ofc, Deusovi isn't the final word of Cryptic Clues, but he is to me :P
CCCC: Very old man had a molar impaction (4)
what the heck is impaction
> the condition of being or process of becoming impacted, especially of feces in the intestine.
Impacted wisdom teeth is a condition where the third molars (wisdom teeth) are prevented from erupting into the mouth. This can be caused by a physical barrier, such as other teeth, or when the tooth is angled away from a vertical position. Completely unerupted wisdom teeth usually result in no symptoms, although they can sometimes develop cysts or neoplasms. Partially erupted wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth that are not erupted but are exposed to oral bacteria through deep periodontal pocket, can develop cavities or pericoronitis. Removal of impacted wisdom teeth is advised for the future prevention...
is that why ppl get their wisdom teeth removed?
I think it's more often prophylactic, to prevent impaction.
Hm a four letter word for very old man could be like ADAM
@msh210 Not sure, tbh.
Hm a dam can be
I... didn't read the last half of the sentence
> a rubber sheet used to keep saliva from the teeth during dental operations
Don't molars also have names
Oh yeah
@PrinceNorthLæraðr mine are all Fred
You would think the shorter numerations are easier but no
@PrinceNorthLæraðr not a very useful definition unless you know what impacted means
Oh I got it
Impacted in medical term means to be stuck in between something
> packed or wedged in
there you go
well done
Thank you for the hint :P that was a really nice surface
I figured you sending me the wikipedia page to "impacted wisdom teeth" meant it probably wasn't the definition/wasn't going to find too many useful things for the clue
I was merely explaining the surface, since you'd asked.
But yeah I probably wouldn't've if it were going to be too helpful
> what the heck is impaction
I was asking the right questions :P
CCCC: Structure domain location (11)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr com+position
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Yeah, that's the one
@PrinceNorthLæraðr That's fine
wow @Jafe you've been making GLADYS puzzles since 2019?
CCCC: Wordplay giving valued deadline for freshness? (3,2,4)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr or 2018, depending on whether you count the first one :)
6 year project and still going on strong
@Ankoganit use-by date, reverse cryptic: value (use) by D (date)
@oAlt yep!
should have a hyphen but issue shmissue
ah fair enough
Never mind I kind of stand corrected, google gives results for no hyphen too
I'll pretend I knew that all along
@oAlt reverse cryptic?
CCCC: Cause of disease in five people including me? Receiving a small dose of radiation (5)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr the answer to the clue can be interpreted as a clue itself that gives wordplay for the word "valued"
@PrinceNorthLæraðr The answer to the clue is "use by date" (defn deadline for freshness) and the wordplay comes from "wordplay giving valued". How does "use by date" satisfy the wordplay? Well, if you interpret "use" as "value" (which you can, since they can be synonyms as nouns), "by" as placing one next to the other, and "date" as D (which you can, since you may see that often along with M = month and Y = year), that gives value + D, which reads "valued".
So indeed, "use by date" is wordplay that gives the word "valued".
Other people can probably explain this better, sorry about that
(P.S. My justification for why D = date is wrong (D in M-D-Y is day, not date) but it is still in usage, according to Merriam-Webster and Collins)
@oAlt virus (cause of disease) = V us receiving 1R
@msh210 And that's correct
CCCC: Liveliness left when side-splitting fever battered perhaps-medicine-deprived me. (13)
I really wanted it to be WITHDRAWAL
I really want it to be EFFERVESCENCE because it's such a cool word
It also has *FEVER in it
Hm okay I think I got it
@msh210 _EF_FERVE+SC(-I)ENCE
ah, nice
I love using Qat -_-;
yep just saw it too. But I didn't see "science" immediately, so nice find
and by using Qat I just mean typing {thes:[word]} and seeing what pops up
Helps me at least see possible letter words
Oh I can put in specific lengths
@PrinceNorthLæraðr yep! That was quick.
Deusovi would be so proud of me :D going from CC noob to regularly solving C4s
heres my context: the last time ive seen this person was 2 years ago, and he proclaims himself to suck at C4's like me, and proceeds to start pumping out solves. And here I am.
are you talking about me?
Last time I was here was probably 2 years ago xD
If you need proof about how bad I was
I don't know if you can see that actually
It's basically just Deusovi and bobble roasting me
@PrinceNorthLæraðr yeah, I was
@PrinceNorthLæraðr it's a private, so I can't see it
Yeah, I forgot it was a modded private room because it was for test-solving
Actually I'm glad that room is mod-private. Whew
Some comments from Deus:
> @north just gave these a look - overall, i'd say a lot of the surfaces really don't make sense? like, "Special convention from Virginia after chopping the tail of African mammal" -- i can't imagine a reasonable situation in which someone would say that. same for "“Camel’s cousin, leaping lizards!” starts group of doctors."
also, you're inconsistent with periods ending clues - remove all of those. clues basically never end in periods, even if they could be sentences
i probably sucked more
still do, thats the problem
It's okay
It just kind of clicked for me couple weeks ago, but that's after not being on this site for over 2 years
i took a hiatus for 6 months because I forgot the site existed for that 6 months
I probably will disappear again in a couple weeks xD this site has been a slight reprieve from the endless amounts of chemistry I have to do for summer school
But regular semester starts up in a couple weeks and now I have all my normal music course load plus Organic chemistry :D (dies)
Aug 5 at 4:31, by Ankoganit
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I think there's a distinct moment where you stop thinking of cryptic clues as puzzles with an arbitrary set of rules and realize "oh it's just instructions phrased weirdly to mess with me"
That helped a lot
But don't feel too discouraged
I've been on this site for 6 and a half years and now just started making sense
I would suggest you check out the Guardian's quick cryptics if you want to practice
I also extensively use Qat
I'm not super proficient at it but it helps me to narrow down definitions
Anyways need to go to sleep, will have a clue for y'all sometime tomorrow
good night
4 hours later…
I'm still not immune to looking at dictionaries for the C4's
i'm still not immune from looking at black market sellers for c-4
wait no, unwatchlist, unwatchlist
started a 66-clue jumbo cryptic because i hate future jafe and hope he has a hard time
@Jafe 😭😭
Q: Give or take one

Prim3numbahHow many points should the first country get? Why? Small Catalan speaking country (7) ? points Small country in the horn of Africa (8) 8 points Montainous...

@oAlt formatting doesn't work on multiline messages
one of the unsolved problems of computer science
Oh wow
That's unfortunate
@Jafe P vs \nP
1 hour later…
Q: Stacked Nurikabe

mintmochaMy first go at puzzle construction! It's basically Nurikabe, but you have two boards stacked on top of each other, e.g. the first over the second, and the original constraints must still be satisfied with the added vertical dimension. The idea is not new, but it was a fun challenge coming up with...

2 hours later…
Q: A peculiar sequence of events

Tim SeifertHere is a chess puzzle of a somewhat different flavour than my usual stuff. I hope you like it. :) I had just witnessed a chess game with a rather interesting sequence of moves in the endgame. It started by one of the players giving a discovered check on the opposing king. Then, for four single m...

6 hours later…
Q: King and Rook vs King (Passing Allowed)

happystarIt is well known that King and Rook always defeat a lone King. However, this requires the use of zugzwang. If passing were allowed then experimentation suggests the weaker side should always draw, unless the starting position was extremely unfavourable. Let us suggest a modified rule: passing is ...

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