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1:13 AM
@juicifer Rufus (the Hawk) reversed after nabbing L (large) = sulfur (yellow crystal)?
@oAlt yep!
1:31 AM
CCCC: Detailed art, one variation (6)
@Jafe yep. wasn't the best def in hindsight
1:47 AM
CCCC: Seven minus one is like six (4)
(-s)EVEN = EVEN (like six)
that's right
Aug 10 at 4:38, by Prince North Læraðr
I was gonna do "Short even number (5)" for S+EVEN to be cheeky, but it was just too easy
shamelessly derived from that because there's nothing wrong with easy
one clue left for my jumbo, it's coming out today
tags: [cryptic-crosswords] [geography]
huge shockers both, i know
CCCC: Desire beer containing very muted fruit flavour (9)
@Jafe Hahahaha
@Jafe why can't you wait two days after my final is done so at least I have a chance to try and crack it xD (just joking :P)
2:06 AM
Speaking of finals, I think I'm going to turn out okay for chemistry which is a relief. I need to score above an 86% to get an A though - a little nerve-wrecking though considering each question can be worth between 5-10 points
@TakingNotes PINE (desire)+A(PP)LE= fruit flavor
ahh pp for very muted, nice
Oooh that's a good one
2:34 AM
@PrinceNorthLæraðr That's great, and good luck on the exam/s
2:55 AM
Q: I can't hear you

Jafe Solve on Penpa+ Across 3. Honda vehicle unaffected after U turn (5) 8. Nick who sang "Into My Arms" and "Surrender" (4) 9. Broadcast contains no salmon (3) 10. Send home "specialist" after mistaking left for right (5) 12. Friend from church, endlessly dumb (4) 13. Charles from old action convent...

oh here we go
oh that's a large grid
3:29 AM
@Ankoganit you got it!
@Sphinx aye aye, captain!
CCCC: Extremely harmful chemical — am I to use some of that? (10)
_cal am I to us_
that's a clever indicator
@Jafe yep!
(and thanks)
CCCC: Kingdom, grow heartless two days after my final, 50% done (7)
3:59 AM
never mind, I got tired lol
@Jafe g(-ro)w (-m)y (-do)ne DD = Gwynedd. That's a mouthful
4:25 AM
CCCC: Rare van prepared from a part of Spain (7)
navarre*, continuing the mediaeval kingdom theme
Hahahah, I didn't realize I continued the theme
@Jafe But yeah that's correct
4:49 AM
CCCC: Condition that's like Mr Olympia, and what he wins (8,7)
@oAlt thanks @_@
5:01 AM
@Jafe muscular atrophy = muscular + a trophy
I was thinking it was an anagram of MR OLYMPIA and trying to see if it was like MYOPIA something
@oAlt correct
5:26 AM
CCCC: What can treat asthma in Hungarians regularly involves beer (7)
(Don't try this at home)
@oAlt in H....r.... involves ale = inhaler
@msh210 yep!
2 hours later…
7:15 AM
Can anyone help me understand this clue from today's Atlantic mini crossword? "Fixture that might be scratched by a Van", the answer is (rot13) png gerr.
It should be a "straight" (non-cryptic) clue
I'm guessing I'm missing some trickery that has to do with the capitalised Van
Wait nvm, I figured it out, it's a reference to this
2 hours later…
8:52 AM
Q: solve the riddle for the code

Marian Maximin a cryptic hall that secrets lie a code is hidden give it a try four digits from a cryptic tale twist your toughs let logic prevail a clock ticks thrice at down and two the second hand whispers a clue just for you the first and the last a mirror they make the middle two a sum to forsake on the ...

9:11 AM
CCCC: Lovelorn production is short run for West End theater (7)
NOVELLO(-r)*, a west end theatre
actually managed to guess the anagram before googling even though afaik i haven't heard of it before
@Jafe yes indeed
@Jafe it's named after some actor, I believe, so maybe you've heard of him even if not of the theater; in any event, well done
If only that theater had had a short run of a play called Lovelorn, it coulda been an &lit ("Lovelorn production is short run here", or something). Personally, I think that that's reason enough to stage such a play.
9:31 AM
Q: What did the king sing?

AlphaNoodleThe king stood atop a hill Watching as his daughter fell He wished to see her once more Wondered when he'll do so. "I will." he thought to himself. As he growled, mourning "I am..." he said, panting. As his general completed his sentence. As the king mourned, the general plead: "Please, your Maje...

@Jafe nice clue
i like the use of 'run' from cricket scoring for the theatre surface btw
thanks, though I was thinking of baseball. :-)
ah i see
9:39 AM
i know next to nothing about cricket but o for duck, c for caught and r for run are crossword staples :P
didn't occur to me they use it in baseball, makes sense
I think baseball terms are as fair to use. K for strike out, R for run, H for hit, E for error… there are probably more I'm not thinking of
i mean if cricket is okay surely baseball is as well
BB for walk, I guess. That'd be a nice tricky one to use. makes a mental note
CCCC: Whiten sands, introducing a little lye (6)
9:42 AM
well that was fast
and correct
whiten – the definition gave it away
CCCC: An edible ball / circle / sphere (6)
10:03 AM
ORANGE (an edible ball) = O (circle) + RANGE (sphere)
yes indeed
Q: The minimal Anti-Sudoku

Tim SeifertSuppose we succumb to the urge to fill in a normal Sudoku grid as badly as we possibly can. That is, we strive to enter the digits from 1 to 9 nine times each such that no row, column or box contains any number exactly once. Let's call such an atrocity an Anti-Sudoku. Can you find the (lexicograp...

@TakingNotes wow, nice find
I was completely lost on that one
CCCC: An elegant number (11)
@Sphinx I have a strange feeling that rot13(gurer qbrf abg rkvfg nal fhpu svyy, ohg qb abg xabj ubj gb tb nobhg cebivat gung).
10:19 AM
@msh210 My money's on this but I don't have the time to be rigorous about it...
@Stiv Then my strange feeling was wrong. :-)
I think that satisfies all the rules at least...
yeah, seems to
(That isn't me 'laying the beachtowel on the deckchair' by the way. More than happy for someone else to consider that possibility and post it as an answer themselves before I get a chance to investigate it further.)
@TakingNotes an + aesthetic
10:30 AM
@oAlt you got it!
10:44 AM
CCCC: Desired result without biases (9)
11:21 AM
@Sphinx @Jafe 39D is part of the theme, right? :-)
11:34 AM
@oAlt objective ddef
@msh210 objectively correct
no objections, then?
CCCC: Pope, leader of faith, operated with his body in agreement with his mind (7)
None :)
I like 3 Down, by the way. Alas, I got the wordplay, made it 91 in my head, and couldn't figure out why the definition fit.
11:41 AM
well i've definitely messed up roman numerals in a crossword before (think i thought IXXX was 29 or something) so now i double-check every time :P
@msh210 Pope Francis = f(aith) ran (operated) cis (cisgender, with his body in agreement with his mind)
hah that's clever
(And 47 Down is really neat.)
@oAlt yes indeed
CCCC: Seize prophet found outside search (9)
11:46 AM
really neat crossword @jafe ! Impressive number of &lits in a themed crossword
thanks, glad you liked it!
Oh my gosh, how did I not realize 3 across
i had another rapper in mind btw, although obviously yours works as well
oh lol, should've tried googling [name] rapper
I'll add that one as an alternative
also am I missing something in 27 down? can't figure out what clues the correct removal
nvm I'm dumb
apparently SE now refreshes edits immediately, no more 'click to refresh' button
and yeah you got it, n ybg bs qhpg = qhpg zvahf gur svany yrggre
11:57 AM
yeah makes sense, I was overthinking it
theme idea came from rot13(Gur Ebbxvr) which i recently started watching... they make that place look good :P
(the scenery, i mean... as a cop show the crime also looks very real)
I suppose that's how 20 across made it in
for the record 42a is not a theme clue!
12:12 PM
@oAlt seer found outside quest = sequester
ah, neat
@msh210 That's right!
CCCC: Hide excitement about one's rear end (7)
Apparently, that's the third C4 I've posted containing the phrase "rear end". Dunno why I'm so fond of that phrase. ,':-(
you can't hide your excitement about it
like the poynter sisters
… which I just googled, and apparently it's the pointer sisters. Weird that I'd remember it with a y.
12:49 PM
Apr 21, 2022 at 14:40, by juicifer
CCCC: One in hurry: "Taking walk? Nonsense!" (7)
(not to say that you couldn't also use it ofc)
@juicifer nice
1:02 PM
@msh210 l(_e)ather
1:26 PM
@juicifer aye
CCCC: Compound interest rate found by calculator with unusual "butane macro" (7 9)
1:56 PM
I'm pretty sure I have the answer but I'm having trouble parsing one of the units...
@juicifer If one can argue that Idi Amin was a particularly calculating individual then this compound could be I.R. + IDI + UMCARBONATE*...
@oAlt - is that the same unit you're wondering about?
@Stiv Frick it, I'll come forward as well. I think it's calcium carbonate, calc = calculator, but interest rate is R from what I remember, not I...
Ha, interesting. I couldn't see past IR for interest rate so figured it had to be Iridium somehow. You've started at the other end of the non-anagram part and reached a different obstacle!
To be honest there's a small chance I'm misremembering, and if I were asked how to abbreviate that (or how I would want to, rather) I would also say IR
I think in school I was taught I stands for the total interest amount and R is for the percentage rate
2:09 PM
@oAlt this is the solution I intended
I can see someone calling the amount of interest you earn the "interest rate" though
Even though it's not strictly accurate, it's probably common usage
I found i = interest or interest rate in a few different dictionaries and "interest rate" seemed to give the better surface
@Ankoganit this does ring true though, so maybe I should've just used "interest"
I think interest rate would be acceptable as well, in regular conversation people usually don't make the distinction
Just found i = interest in Collins, though still no "rate"
(also it doesn't bode well for my past and future clues if we start to get super pendantic about these things)
2:13 PM
wiktionary gives "interest rate" (although with some other adjectives thrown in for good measure)
Oh wow how did I not see that... went on that page earlier too
CCCC: Spanish island among others with business (5)
biz in ia. = ibiza
ah yep just got there
@Jafe correct!
2:48 PM
Q: Writing a Puzzle Book: Enigmatic Puzzles

Stephen SI'm starting to test out puzzles for my second puzzle book (link to the first). They're all word puzzles based on ones you might see during Harvard's CS50x puzzle day. Try out this new puzzle I'm testing and let me know what you think. Happy to share hints if you ask:

3:09 PM
Questions for here must have a specific question to answer. For example: "What is the answer to this puzzle?", or "Can this puzzle be solved?", or "How do I change this puzzle to achieve X goal?" (where X is specific, not just "better"), or "How do I create a puzzle with Y quality?" (were Y is specific, not just "good"). Here, I see at least three questions: "What is the solution?", "Can this be improved?" and "general feedback". Both of the latter two are too broad and nonspecific for our format, which does not do discussions. — bobble 1 min ago
I've deleted my comment, sorry
3 hours later…
6:08 PM
Q: Can TrackMania puzzles be abstracted into conrete, interesting puzzles?

Lukas RotterI recently got back into the older TrackMania games, which have a gamemode called Puzzle. In this mode, players are given a limited amount of blocks (consisting of roads, ramps, etc.) to finish a track. A track consits of a start, a finish, and multiple checkpoints, each of which the player has t...

2 hours later…
7:47 PM
Q: I creep in the shadows

TheaI creep in the shadows both day an night causing hearts to skip with a sudden might i am what makes you jump and shout usually when the light flicker in and out

7:57 PM
I'm going to try and make a cryptic crossword, any tips?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr make lots of copies
wdym by copies?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr so when I've made one in the past, I've done it iteratively
@AncientSwordRage huh
8:07 PM
So if I change the grid to put a word in 6 down, I'll change it to do the equivalent rotated change
But I might not have a good word that fits the new empty slot
So I can go back to the old version
3 hours later…
11:43 PM
Q: Cutting a 27×27 square into incomparable rectangles

LucenapositionHow can I cut a 27×27 square into 8 incomparable rectangles? A rectangle with width w and height x is incomparable with a rectangle of width y and height z iff $w<y\land x>z$ or $w>y\land x<z$. (Assume $\text{width}\le\text{height}$.) All rectangles must have integer side lengths. The book Fracta...

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