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JKHA My 1st is the entry My 2nd made me think of 1848 My 3rd is a library My 4th made me think of 26 My 5th is financial My 6th made me think of 194 My 7th leads to Bob My 8th made me think of C My 9th is nuclear Decrypt this puzzle's title: 1747 PBORNITD.G.E

Q: Counting them 100 years later

JKHAAt first A was 1 B was 1 C was 2 D was 1 E was 3 F was 2 G was 1 M was 1 P was 1 R was 2 S was 3 T was 1 W was 3 100 years later A is 4 B is 6 C is 7 D is 1 E is 1 F is 2 G is 1 H is 2 J is 1 M is 2 R is 3 S is 6 T is 5 V is 1 W is 3 What are we counting?

2 hours later…
Regarding Lukas Rotter's Barbecue puzzle, I haven't checked all the phrases but the atomic number phrase doesn't seem to appear anywhere in Wikipedia
I can't figure it out
Maybe if he coaxed me with more rep so I can recover that 350 rep I'll be losing into the void
@PrinceNorthLæraðr would a stick work as well as a carrot would?
Are you threatening me with my own limbs?
good point, sorry about that
i suppose a tree seeing heads on spikes outside the city walls would understand the warning but because of the spikes, not the heads
I can't believe what I'm hearing
What if I took your limbs and stuck a leaf on it
That'll show them
it's just human nature, cutting trees gives us wood
i'll get my coat
no please, regale us more with your puns
okay, you ashed for it…
CCCC: Greenhouse where I learned music (12)
conservatory ddef?
now I understand why you took up music… you lived in a conservatory for so long that you got confused
I just wanted the C4 out of my hands
Otherwise I would've blown up
CCCC: To revive an animal — that's Benjamin Franklin's demand (7)
north: (hands over c4) msh210: "thanks!" (immediately explodes) north: "phew"
it's not nitro…
"give me $100" would be benjamin franklin's demand, i suppose
@msh210 nice, I kept thinking of the wrong -servatory (observatory) and the word was on the tip of my tongue...
I really wanted to plagiarize "Right, not vice versa, wrong" for CONSERVATIVE* from the Guardian Cryptic
That was a really good clue
I like that
apparently franklin demanded canada from britain at one point
that guy did not lack in the ball department
2 days ago, by Jafe
started a 66-clue jumbo cryptic because i hate future jafe and hope he has a hard time
this is halfway done
take that past jafe, ya jerk
feuding with your own time variants is a sign of a healthy sense of self, i like to assume
@msh210 I wonder why people of Canada are called Canadians and not Canadans
similarly floridians
It feels weird to me to not use the natural ending your country name already has
Alabamians too
dunno why
maybe because "Canadan" sounds too much like "Canada"? (otoh Britons are called that even though it sounds exactly the same as Britain)
wikipedia claims it's from french, which uses -ien
in the case of canada, that is
not a fully satisfying explanation though, considering french has e.g. "andorran" without the i
@oAlt I used a dataset from github which is out-of-date to find them. The note "the phrases themselves do not require knowledge" was meant to clarify you don't need to lookup external sources, but given that you, M Oehm and Stiv all tried it, I guess that hint failed miserably :)
@Jafe no… though that's probably why we say Parisian
@LukasRotter Ah I see
I thought the fact that they all came from Wikipedia would be relevant, since they aren't just randomly made-up phrases
That's = that is = i.e. (not a fan but it's not uncommon). Short animal names are very useful. Benjamin could be a C-note (slang for a $100 bill), but unlikely. Revive might suggest reversal.
Q: A 111 years old mosaic

JujustumWhat letter is missing in this mosaic?

Q: Modified Travelling Salesman Problem

Lukas RotterSerghei left a note: R C +3 C +4 A +5 B +4 H +4 D +4 G +4 F +5 I +3 P +3 F +5 G +3 S +5 S +4 I +4 M +4 L +4 E +4 S +4 S +2 L +6 N +7 L +10 B +8 C +6 P +7 ----- = 122 This is the best I can come up with! Not sure what's wrong with him, this route is all over the place, a...

4 hours later…
if benjamin franklin ever bought a vowel in wheel of fortune maybe his demand was "an I, mate"
that'd be his brother bruce franklin
C4 quasi-hint: I recommend you start with the definition rather than with the wordplay, for this one.
alright now how do i quasi-pin this
i suspect diving into the life of benjamin franklin might be in order...
Dec 1, 2021 at 12:00, by Jafe
that guy did not have a boring life
@msh210 as opposed to a parisite
I'll be away from chat, starting in… probably <2 hours, and extending >24 hours. So here's the SHA-256 hash of my (lowercase) answer, as computed here: 0c3e015009e5155c2c7c815f314916adf370dce9f827818decb4531b453e1237
@Sphinx Serghei is apparently a Romanian name, but Romania has 41 first-order administrative divisions, not 27 (number of letters) nor 26 (number of numbers). But of course it wouldn't be that easy would it. But regardless, 26 raises eyebrows as usual...
resurrect could be revive, then somehow urr > p?
it is respect, and it's RES (clipping of resurrection, according to wiktionary (sense 5)) + PET (animal) that has ('s) C (benjamin, as in $100 bill)
wouldn't have found that without the suggestion, so thanks @oAlt
Oh wow!
Thanks and nice find, I didn't think the wp-def split would be there
I think I've heard of that usage of res before ("res me" is what I heard the most, I like to think)
I definitely hadn't and I was about to post a partial solution but then I was like let me dig a little deeper
(hash checks out too)
I discarded that's = that has immediately and I didn't think of pet = animal since I was focused on finding general names for animals such as cat dog etc.
CCCC: Engage in intercourse with British individual (4)
if you insist
@juicifer B one
argh just got it too
@oAlt natch
@juicifer TIL that word
CCCC: A reptile with tail covered in red dye (8)
@oAlt ok, A LIZAR(-d) IN is a red dye
@juicifer yep
new one for me but I guess it pays to follow your hunches
Q: Merged Paris 2024 Medals Table

JKHAWhat happened to this Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medals Table? Country Gold Argent Bronze Total People's Republic of China 9 3 2 14 United States of America 5 9 5 19 France 5 5 5 15 Netherlands 5 1 1 7 Japan 5 1 2 8 Great Britain 3 5 2 10 Germany 3 2 4 9 New Zealand 3 1 1 5 R...

CCCC: Woman woke up in a good mood, from what I've heard (8)
@juicifer Rosemary = "rose merry" homophone
@oAlt yep
as opposed to having rose madder
CCCC: This might help you rest in tiny quilt (6)
@oAlt _ny quil_ :)
@juicifer ye
CCCC: A bloomer, periodically (4)
Q: Overlap two Chess Games

JKHACreate two valid Chess games (A and B) with the minimum number of moves (you will sum the number of moves of A and B) such that overlapping the two games creates a valid chess position. The following rule will be considered. There can't be a piece on a square on game B if there is also a piece o...

1 hour later…
@juicifer ALOE = A_L_O_E_ &lit!
@Stiv precisely
CCCC: In France, one buries unsuspecting victim (deceased) in the open (8)
2 hours later…
Aw I was hoping it was catacombs, but that's 9 letters
@oAlt See, in Korean Italy is Italia, but Canada is not Canadia and that confused me as a child
3 hours later…
Q: efficiently reverse EISH to HSIE

FirstName LastNameReverse **** * **** * * * * * * * **** * **** **** * * * * * **** * **** * * to * * **** * **** * * * * * **** **** * **** * * * * * * * **** * **** by moving minimal amount of points (stars * here in ascii re...

whoever is in charge of naming chemistry things needs to be fired
Reduction is when a substance gains electrons in a RedOx reaction, thus lowering it's oxidation number, and is the oxidizing agent, which is taking electrons from the substance being oxidized
"The reducing agent is oxidized" THANKS CHEMISTRY
1 hour later…
@Stiv i think this is UN(MARK)E+D. (in the open, like a grave)
@Jafe That's the intended wordplay, although I intended the def to be football(soccer)-related. I guess graves kinda works too?
ahh i see
unmarked as in not being guarded
Precisely so
CCCC: A metalhead song from Germany (7)
Q: What was I thinking when I drew this diagram?

StivTrue story which I thought worth sharing: I recently came across a scrawled diagram on a scrap piece of paper while tidying my house. It was clearly my handiwork (probably a rough idea for a puzzle), consisting of an arrangement of letters and arrows, and I had absolutely no idea why I had consid...

Q: How many clues are sufficient to solve an X-Sudoku puzzle?

DJMoffinzI've heard that for standard Sudoku a minimum of 17 clues are needed to solve a puzzle, but I imagine it might be slightly less in the variant X-Sudoku, because I assume there would be slightly fewer options for each cell. Is this true, and if so, how many clues would be sufficient to solve one?

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