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@Jafe that's it!
CCCC: It may be Venom Time? Boys, that's nuts! (8)
backlog was empty, can you tell?
1 hour later…
@Jafe Symbiote anagram
CCCC: Planet where Yuri Gagarin went on his trip, being limited by amount of energy and blown-out tire (?)
Q: Swap the positions of the 4 chess knights

Will.Octagon.GibsonThe puzzle seems simple enough. It is only a few squares and you only have four knights (the knights move in an ā€œLā€ shape, like in regular chess). The goal is also straightforward: swap the positions of the black and white knights. Clarification 1: Every time a knight moves, it must move into a...

@GarethMcCaughan baby language hits hard
I'm starting to question whether there exists a miracle sudoku grid with the restrictions and the setup of 2 sudoku's combined
What a time to ask a question on PSE
3 hours later…
Q: Is it possible to have a double miracle Sudoku grid?

StevoI've been attempting to construct a miracle sudoku puzzle for a while now, with a little twist. Instead of one sudoku grid, there are two combined grids, as a new-ish idea. The grid I've been using to construct is shown below: The green represents that the box is common with both sudoku's. Howe...

@Stevo just in case, you might want to clarify in the post what the miracle sudoku rules are
that may be a good idea ngl
1 hour later…
@Sphinx This question makes me wish I went through with my plan to make a highly customisable sudoku setter/checker/solver. But since for my purposes f-puzzles.com is more than enough I never did :/
@LukasRotter would have made my life a lot easier than 51 failed attempts before finally asking for help
@LukasRotter f-puzzles.com... If I did research would have made my life also a lot easier
@oAlt J (joule, amount of energy) ITER* limiting UP (where yuri gagarin went on his trip)= JUPITER (planet)
@Jafe Yes it is!
great I got the J and the jupiter put not the rest
CCCC: Planet where Malcolm Reynolds went with his wife ā€“ attractive woman, real sweetheart ā€“ to steal old, priceless original (11)
"Be aware, the drug E is very useful." -- simon anthony explaining how to solve cryptic crosswords
Don't let the corn god hear that ...
@Jafe I'm assuming this is belle (attractive woman) R (real) hon (sweetheart, honey) stealing o (old) p(riceless), for Bellerophon, which I assume is a planet Malcolm Reynolds and his wife went to although I haven't found such a reference in wikis yet
that is correct
the episode is Trash
note the capitalisation, differentiating that from "the episode is trash"
@Jafe Thanks
CCCC: Planet reached through vessel where setter got killed? Gagarin and his team must not like this (?)
a vein is a blood vessel so this is probably VE(-i)N+US... gagarin and other soviets likely weren't fans of the US
@Jafe yeah that's right
Q: The Answer To this Riddle(Yes, it is suppose to be easy)

AlphaNoodleIn the rims of hell, A river flows Upon it, a growl forms Two brothers, fighting for lost cause Loved one another Could not look in the eye For he was on fire He screamed liar to his lover Before he choked her For a vain desire The warrior groweled For he had been burned The man who was once grea...

1 hour later…
Q: Circular Hedge Maze

Unknown CreaterThis is a fun Puzzle I recently made by myself which I think is a new one for you all. Try to solve it. **Rules 1. You can select and start from any of the positions A, B, C, D, E one at a time. 2. There are a total of six circular paths in the hedge maze. Each path has some defined points 1...

CCCC: Are even stranger laws primarily being transmitted via Congress? (8)
@Jafe That's VENEREAL, as in diseases transmitted via sexual congress.
that is correct but could you just spell out the wordplay for the archivist
Oh, of course: It's (ARE EVEN)* + L(aws) = VENEREAL
Nice follow-up to Venus, by the way.
hehe thanks
(What are venereal pleasures without proper wordplay, after all.)
not worth it, imo
i wonder if there's a personality adjective for every planet... i know mercurial is a thing
i expect there would be, considering there have been people taking astrology seriously for centuries
Was just about to clue it. Scrap that, then.
oh sorry
Naw. It's for the better, believe me.
There are chemical elements related to nearly all planets.
And I think the "unsteady" meaning of mercurial relates more to quicksilver than to the god after which the planet is named.
Q: Something above

Prim3numbahWhat object connects them? The answer is a 6-letter word.

@Jafe (I remember one of Stiv's series where the answer and the planet shared the same first three letters)
apparently "jovial" comes from a name for jupiter, and it has the antonym "saturnine"
Q: Weighing Coins -- a Different Approach

Bob BixlerThis is a question of my own devising. You have a double pan scale which will tell you whether 2 coins or 2 groups of coins weigh the same or whether one side is heavier than the other side. You have N coins with one coin being heavier or lighter (you don't know which) than the other coins. You...

1 hour later…
CCCC: Singular dramas involving wrong aren't concerning Venus, say (9)
(Sorry, got a phone call.)
2 hours later…
@oAlt that was my intention, yes
@Jafe huh, TIL that meaning of economy; thanks
@msh210 šŸ‘Œ
@MOehm play involving netar* = planetary
CCCC: Them: a sad rat, a sad ape (3,2,1,6)
@msh210 MAD AS A HATTER (ape) = (them a sad rat a)* ("sad")
@MOehm just so
CCCC: Actually, a tame star panicked and cancelled part of play (2, 1, 6, 2, 4)
as a matter of fact = atamestar* off act
CCCC: Coworker at Dole is using common sense (10)
2 hours later…
Q: Whose turn is it?

Tim SeifertThis puzzle builds around some similar ideas as in my last one, but here I was able to flesh out the story in the critical sequence a bit more. Can you tell whose turn it is in this position? And, while you're at it: Can you determine the last 32 single moves? As always, please provide your reas...

Q: Can you use triangular tiles to form a rectangle of size 2016 cm by 2021 cm?

Will.Octagon.GibsonBeginner puzzle This puzzle is intended to be suitable for people who are new to puzzle solving. Clarification: Both experienced solvers and new solvers are welcome to post solutions to this puzzle. Jack has an unlimited number of tiles, each of which is in the shape of a right-angled triangle w...

2 hours later…
ah great, thats 72 new unique puzzles i can make

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