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it seems so close, but I can't see any wordplay for aquabatics or aquamarine either
one of the weirdest-sounding words i've heard pronounced in an aussie accent is "aqua-aerobics"... they pronounce an R in the middle so it's like aqua-raerobics
how that tongue twister is supposed to sound more natural i'll never know
1 hour later…
That pronunciation of an R in the middle was also involved in my first culture shock involving accents. The video I was watching featured a British guy who pronounced "I saw it" as "I sorit"
2 hours later…
Q: How to rotate ten players?

user91369How to rotate ten card players over two separate tables as equal as possible for four different games? This site sucks.

1 hour later…
@Jafe Some other ten-letter blues are periwinkle, cornflower, copenhagen, melancholy, despairing, and dispirited.
90% of colour names sound fake to me
50% of those 6 color names should sound fake since they're not color names
aa right they're words meaning blue, that makes more sense
I wonder if we're looking for a word for a "poor perfomance" like flop or train-wreck or whatever
Or a down something, which would start with blue.
or updog
1 hour later…
Dec 1, 2022 at 0:45, by Gareth McCaughan
What's ... no, sorry, can't make myself do it.
Q: Determine if N is zibbable

10010100102ohnoThe Zib sequence ${Z_N(M)}$ = $\{{a_i}\}$ is a very simple sequence defined on a pair of numbers $N \in \mathbb{N_{odds}}$, $M \in \mathbb{N}$: ${a_0}$ = $M$ ${a_{i+1}}$ = $a_i+N$ if $a_i$ is odd ${a_{i+1}}$ = $a_i/2$ if $a_i$ is even The sequence ends when ${a_i}$ equals 1. An odd $N$ is defin...

Well that's a word all right
1 hour later…
there may be people who disagree
1 hour later…
I bet "during poor performance" is an indicator for really weak homophony.
Doesn't AQUAMARINE sound really weakly like "Ace of Base oscillate"?
CCCC hint: In life, some words that are nouns can also be verbs, and vice versa...
To blue is something you do to laundry IIRC.
1 hour later…
"sway" is also one of those words, but it's not as interesting. I mean, its ability to be both a noun or a verb is more known than that of "blue"
But honestly I see sway more as a reversal indicator (can it?)
personally I don't think that would fly
I suppose group can be a verb too but that seems even more unlikely, because then Europop is kinda left alone
Other meanings of blue as a verb are: Wiktionary has 1) to treat (steel) in such a way that it becomes resistant to rust and 2) (chiefly Australian) to have a fight. Wiktionary and Collins both have 3) the laundry sense that msh said earlier and 4) to spend extravagantly
@Ankoganit yeah same
"group sway" can be the Mexican wave (again, no, I don't think this is likely)
were any europop groups particularly raunchy?
4 hours later…
Q: Maximizing row and column products in a 4x4 grid

Will.Octagon.GibsonUsing the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... 16 each exactly once, fill each square of a 4x4 grid so that the product of the numbers in each row is a multiple of $N$ and the product of the numbers in each column is also of multiple of $N$ where $N$ is a power of $2$. The goal is to maximize $N$. Bonus questio...

Q: Alternate Blue Eyed Island Conclusion - Contradictory Laws

Bumy GoldsonIn the 100 blue-eyed islanders riddle, there is a rule that if an islander figures out his eye color, he must leave the island. Doesn't that contradict the other rule that he can't inform anyone else of their eye color? For example, if there's only 2 people on the island, and the guru announces t...

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