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@MOehm or just II
3 hours later…
@msh210 unfortunate but thanks for your hard work
3 hours later…
Early C4 hint: first letter M
found it
mun< + d(i_)an(to Bach)ke = Mundian To Bach Ke (wp, youtube)
man how did that not come up yesterday when i trawled through several lists like "top 100 punjabi songs"
Well done!
Such piecemeal clues aren't easy to solve if you don't really have an idea what you're looking for.
@MOehm Same thoughts, that was a disadvantage. @Jafe correct and nicely found
I feel like it wasn't as big a hit as the others which is why it didn't show up in the lists, but I'm not sure
it does show up on wp's biggest-selling singles of all time so i think it did alright
It also has its own Wiki page, so it is one-lookable.
CCCC: Herb mentioned in Punjabi song Ra's singing (5,5)
I'm guessing there's an herb called bison grass?
(hidden word, of course)
It seems to grow in vodka.
I wanted to post this as a CCCC, but am not sure it's fair. Whadday'all think? : We're moving quickly, with introduction of light! (5) The answer is rot13(jurry nf na naqyvg: gur jbeqcynl vf snve vzb — jurr zrnaf jr'er tbvat dhvpxyl, naq gur vavgvny yrggre y — ohg V'z abg fher nobhg gur qrsvavgvba: urer, yvtug zrnaf gur nafjre gb n pebffjbeq pyhr).
I agree with the construction, but I'm not sure I understand how the def is supposed to work.
(That's an oblique way of saying that I don't get the def at all.)
Since the introduction (invention) of the jurry, we're moving quickly.
And jurry is the light.
(Grpuavpnyyl yvtug ersref gb gur oynax fcnpr va n pebffjbeq, ohg V guvax vg'f hfrq sbe gur nafjre nyfb.)
Oh, in that case I think it doesn't work. I use "light" (if I use it at all) in the technical sense you mentioned: an empty cell where a letter goes, not the whole answer.
It's also hard to spot that light can be self-referential.
Yeah… that's what I was afraid of (both issues). Thanks.
Yeah, sorry. But I like the general idea.
@msh210 of course
CCCC: Goes around and cuts back (5)
@msh210 spins = snips<
@oAlt yes indeed
almost &lit material with "[verb]s around" if there's a synonym of snip that fits
maybe there isn't
CCCC: Tagalog not a South Asian language (5)
hindi ddef
also the name of the turkey in turkish
@Jafe yep!
@Jafe Oh yeah, I remembered that just now from this question
CCCC: Is Hindi different South Asian language? (6)
someone has eaten my ice cream... when the culprit is found the punishment will be severe
@Jafe 's indHi*
CCCC: Leave some space in the ground (5)
@Jafe Cream Cone Culprit Chase?
@oAlt ditch ddef?
@msh210 yes!
CCCC: Ogonek (or breve) is circumflex, mirrored and discontinuous. (6)
(I'm not 100% sure that's fair.)
_b ro ken_<
Ah - cute.
@Jafe yep!
CCCC: Japanese artist, Finnish actor and American writer, among others, together create content transcending language barriers? (12)
Jun 19 at 13:06, by juicifer
a bit of wishful thinking there towards the end, maybe, but a guy can be optimistic
2 hours later…
I'm trying to fit Pääkkönen into a 12-letter name of a language, and not having any luck.
Hah, I was suggested that guy too
hm, we just had "Tagalog not" cluing HINDI… I wonder whether "Japanese artist" and/or "Finnish actor" is similar…
@Jafe Ono, Mato, Poe, i.a.
Nice find
@msh210 yep, that's it!
@oAlt thanks. I thought "what starts with ono?"
CCCC: One turns into a temple; a divination book is paying attention. (8)
if it was spelt like in finnish (onomatopoesia) it would have been even better with sia in the mix
(Don't ask me what that surface means. I don't know.)
the book has a mind of its own, i assume
1 hour later…
this is I CHING where the I turns into WAT for WATCHING
@Jafe so it is
@Jafe australian musician (hiding face)
CCCC: Cops and hunter built town subject to unnecessary censorship (10)
(Btw Jafe I liked that party horn bit at the start of the video lol)
hehe glad to hear it
@Jafe Scunthorpe*
that's right
heh, nice
3 hours later…
Q: Bulls and Cows meet Sudoku!

Xavier CastilloThis is a Colombian Jigsaw Sudoku where the usual rules apply, but with irregular boxes. The dots in the right-hand scheme indicate how many of the numbers in a particular row or column are correctly placed in the corresponding row or column of the solved Sudoku on the left.

CCCC: Oratorical confusion, with a missing (and a hidden) revolutionary symbol (8)
@Jafe By the way, thanks for this clue. Now I'll be able to remember how to spell that word!
@msh210 (TRICOLOR aa)* - a - a (an anagram of "oratorical" with an "a" missing and an "a" hidden)
Q: What should the next step be in this Kakuro puzzle?

TheLittlePeaceI have recently been learning more and more tricks for solving Kakuro puzzles, but I'm at a loss for how to solve the final bit of this puzzle. For reference, it is from the "Real Kakuro" app, Challenging #17. What is the next logical step for what I have solved?

@GentlePurpleRain yes indeed
CCCC: Kinder cousin a result of unconventional tactics. (3 4)
@GentlePurpleRain this is TIC TACS*, which like kinder chocolates, are produced by ferrero
oh cute
@juicifer Correct.
(no rooting interest in this one, but that won't stop me from making a clue about it)
Q: How to print Square Oblique Pyramid on paper for folding?

KaushikHow to print the diagram for folding paper model of Square Oblique Pyramid given the base width and x and y coordinate of the projection of apex on the base. I am looking for formulae to calculate the 2D diagram. It is ok if you can not print tabs. Here is an example of Square Pyramid. But I am l...

2 hours later…
Fun fact: Most Koreans know the rules of chess except castling and en passent.

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