I wanted to post this as a CCCC, but am not sure it's fair. Whadday'all think? : We're moving quickly, with introduction of light! (5) The answer is rot13(jurry nf na naqyvg: gur jbeqcynl vf snve vzb — jurr zrnaf jr'er tbvat dhvpxyl, naq gur vavgvny yrggre y — ohg V'z abg fher nobhg gur qrsvavgvba: urer, yvtug zrnaf gur nafjre gb n pebffjbeq pyhr).
Oh, in that case I think it doesn't work. I use "light" (if I use it at all) in the technical sense you mentioned: an empty cell where a letter goes, not the whole answer.
It's also hard to spot that light can be self-referential.
This is a Colombian Jigsaw Sudoku where the usual rules apply, but with irregular boxes. The dots in the right-hand scheme indicate how many of the numbers in a particular row or column are correctly placed in the corresponding row or column of the solved Sudoku on the left.
I have recently been learning more and more tricks for solving Kakuro puzzles, but I'm at a loss for how to solve the final bit of this puzzle. For reference, it is from the "Real Kakuro" app, Challenging #17. What is the next logical step for what I have solved?
How to print the diagram for folding paper model of Square Oblique Pyramid given the base width and x and y coordinate of the projection of apex on the base. I am looking for formulae to calculate the 2D diagram. It is ok if you can not print tabs.
Here is an example of Square Pyramid. But I am l...