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@PDT is this possibly luster/lustre (Ulster anagram) after (b)lack = lackluster/lacklustre?
(hm, Rory Best was an Ulster team captain… not sure if that helps any, though)
I was also thinking of lacklustre since it had the (-b)lack. I wonder what the Irish group and their best is...
@oAlt I was taking the handwaving approach
on the assumption of illegality
but I'll be very glad to be told I'm wrong (or I insufficiently explained)
Q: Explantion please

JohnClue: Large area left on the map of Canada (7). ALBERTA. Why? I can see that Alberta is "of Canada". If you could explain, write to me at: Bronson69 AT gmail DOT com Thanks! John

1 hour later…
Q: Do they even fit? Yes!

Dannyu NDos Right: 1: A direction. (4) 7: Beverages. (4) Down: 3: Elder sisters. (4) 4: To satisfy. (4) Up: 2: Greek letters. (4) 5: A stiff structure. (4) 6: For suppressing someone. (4)

If that's not too obvious.
rot13(V'ir sbhaq gur znva gevpx ohg V fhecevfvatyl qba'g xabj ubj gb svg gurz...)
Of course, don't give hints yet
There we go
@msh210 you are correct! However, Ulster-scots are the group, best synonymous to ‘first’. So the first word of ulster-scots is ‘Ulster’.
so it's ulster anagrammed plus black without the b?
14 clues left for tomorrow's crossword... gotta pick up the pace
the secret to quick writing is forgetting about quality and using whatever garbage first comes to mind
@jafe yes that was the idea
1 hour later…
@PDT cool. Just for your future reference, I don't think it's widely accepted to clue a word and then anagram it. If you're gonna anagram, then the anagrammed word should be right there in front of the solver. IINM.
CCCC: What Bob Hope did with a forest person for a competition (10)
Another example of a high-rated user gatekeeping what counts as a puzzle or not. — qwr 5 hours ago
^ This just appeared on one of my posts in the wake of a new meta post to which I'm not sure any answer would be accepted...
Q: Mathematical Puzzle Gatekeeping

qwrRecently I posted a question about tiling dominoes in a 3x10 area. The community, including user Quuxplusone, has decided to swoop in and arbitrarily decide my puzzle is off-topic because it's "too mathy". Yet, questions like Keys and Locks Puzzle What do 84, 96 and 108 have in common? Longest s...

If anyone wants to handle answering the question on meta, feel free...
You just chose an arbitrary point on what you consider easy/expected and what you don't. I'm pretty sure the 10 numbers on a blackboard is a straightfoward problem in competition math and programming circles that pretty much everyone knows. Like on a contest it would be one of the "textbook" questions. So now it's off-topic because it's too well-known?? — qwr 4 hours ago
They're really doing the rounds right now on posts they have beef with. I don't know how to firefight this without it blowing up in my face.
Correction - 'really doing the rounds' is an exaggeration. There are 3 such comments. This is the third:
So we should look through every single [knowledge] question, as they are "a test of knowledge". And most of the "what word is this" questions too? — qwr 4 hours ago
I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened on Puzzling. Experienced hand possibly required, although it seems the user has a problem with high-rep users so then again maybe not...? Anyway, enough from me for now.
@msh210 Perhaps what Bob Hope did was tour 'Nam (Vietnam), and an Ent is a forest person, so tournament (competition)
oh that must be it
then again of course the man did other things in his 100 years :P
@oAlt yep. Well found; I'd thought that that would last longer.
@Stiv lmao, the guy actually dug up an 8-year-old meta proposal with two votes, which was never accepted as the official wording, and is trying to argue against it
PSE version of picking a fight with random passersby on the street
Probably a fair assessment of the situation. I'm not intending to do anything further myself (I tend to steer clear of most of the mathematics questions anyway) but thought I'd post in case anyone else had the stamina to engage on this.
@msh210 thanks
CCCC: In Spain, what line by actor, regularly appearing at the beginning of advertisement in South Africa, got ultimately put in translation? "Ancient deity!" (12)
Aug 21, 2022 at 4:44, by bobble
gave up on making anything better
qué + (_t) + ZA+ l. + _c_o_ + a_ + argh i don't know where the final TL comes from.. it's not some abbreviation for "translation", is it?
no wait the _t from "got ultimately" is the second T... and the whole thing except for the qué is inside a TL
wiktionary supports TL = translation
¡Deidad antigua!
so it's QUE (in spain, what) L (line) CO (actor regularly) appearing at A (the beginning of advertisement) inside [ ZA (south africa) T (got ultimately) ], inside TL (translation) = QUETZALCOATL, an ancient deity
@msh210 Hehe
@Jafe Yup!
Aug 27, 2019 at 11:33, by jafe
CCCC: Old American flyer: "One nation under God" (14)
CCCC: They refuse to take a stand for generous people charging to arrest criminal (14)
@Jafe Oh TIL
I'm guessing this next one must also be Quetzalcoatlus then...
Also, it was so hard to not imitate this construction
i mean what are the odds that another word would have the same number of letters
@Jafe :)
i gotta admit, quetzalcoatl looks like a fun word to clue
unlike the stuff in the cryptic i'm working on... who puts a word like "den" in the grid?
@Jafe place to hole up in udder times
@Jafe tergiversators = givers charging terators*
Wow... what a word
i seriously thought that would take a couple of hints... nice job
and yeah that is a fun word hehe
I would have thought that that was a recently coined word but apparently it's not
@Jafe thanks
CCCC: Cut, cut, cut hay? (5)
Hmm, lots of synonyms for both cut and hay...
2 hours later…
@msh210 crops? Cut plr. Hay is the clue
@PDT what's "plr"?
As in ‘many cuts’
Actually on second thought I don’t think it works nvm
it wasn't my intention, anyway
argh ran into a dead end while trying to test solve my nonogram
that better be because i did something stupid while solving and not because i did something stupid while making it
not sure which option is more likely
1 hour later…
@Stiv note: as of me waking up, their latest puzzle is open puzzling.stackexchange.com/q/126886/69582
While I am quite active in moderation and closing, I steer away from using the math problem close reason for anything but the most obvious HW math questions. I don't understand how math puzzles work, either!
Mar 23 at 11:20, by Jafe
gladys puzzle's up, y'all
@Stiv I took a shot at a response.
@Stiv If the comments continue, you can always flag the user for a moderator to have a word with.
Q: Cryptic Division 11: At the Water's Edge

juiciferSomewhere in an alternate universe... Dear Puzzling, This is a word division puzzle which uses cryptic clues. If you're unfamiliar with either or both of those, you can click the associated link. In order to solve the alphametic, you'll first need to fill in the dividend, divisor, and quotient ...

> I've heard some people take trips like these with over 60 destinations!
I love that lol
Thanks @GentlePurpleRain - I actually just had a brief further exchange with them this afternoon and the air has been cleared, so all fine there. Hopefully your response can go some way to helping their situation.
@bobble Yeah, I think I have a very similar personal policy on mathematics questions!
@bobble Same
For me it tends to be a gray area: some people like it, some people don't, and to be honest I lean to the latter. (I'm not saying I explored this fully though)
@oAlt thanks :D
I can't solve the alphametic but I got the cryptic clues and that's what matters
1 hour later…
Q: Long word using only 4 letters

qwrI'm thinking of a 13-letter word that only uses 4 distinct letters. What is it? Bonus if you can find any longer.

nonogram was fine, the test solver was just inept and has since been fired
I'm guessing that either the middle or last "cut" is a subtraction indicator, and thus the answer involves taking a synonym of "cut" out of another synonym of "cut", or a synonym of "hay" out of a synonym of "cut"
(Of course, not exactly synonym in general but you get the point)
1 hour later…
@oAlt Or it's an insertion indicatior. e.g. A cut BC = BAC
That could work nicely if TR='cut' somehow (perhaps via Linux?), as then we could have S(TR)AW being 'hay'
I've been thinking cut could be a remove-the-last-letter indicator
I hereby confirm that precisely one "cut" is an indicator.
May 13 at 12:42, by msh210
@juicifer (I meant precisely one as opposed to a "one" that can mean "one or more".)
3 hours later…
Q: expected tossses to get HHTT

anonymourslets consider the outcomes to get 2 heads followed by 2 tails: T, probability 1/2, wasted one attempt HT, probability 1/4, wasted 2 attempts HHH, probability 1/8, wasted one attempt HHTH, probability 1/16, 2 attempts HHTT probabilty 1/16 let x be expected rolls to get HHTT x = 1/2(x+1) + 1/4(x+2)...

2 hours later…
could also be a word shortening indicator
very versatile word

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