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Yeah I'm still not seeing the CCCC answer nor the Ps and Qs pattern
3 hours later…
i've been working under the assumption that 'mad' is an anagrind but that's got me nowhere
4 hours later…
I can't get my mind out of that theory either
3 hours later…
C4 hints: There is no anagram involved. Jafe was on the right track.
@GentlePurpleRain oh, this is COTTON BATT IN G_
1 hour later…
@juicifer That is correct.
CCCC: Transported to "Topless Island" (6)
Q: Which of these chess positions is legal?

Tim SeifertThis little quiz should be a bit easier than my previous puzzles so feel free to join in! Simply put: Which of these chess positions is legal? To be clear, I consider a position to be legal, if it can be reached from the starting position by legal moves. There may be more (or less!) than one leg...

1 hour later…
Q: 3-clue 5x5 Hidato

Tom SirgedasRules Fill the grid with numbers 1-25 such that consecutive numbers are adjacent orthogonally or diagonally Try solving it in Penpa There are only about a dozen 5x5 Hidatos with only 3 clues.

5 hours later…
@juicifer thank you
@Feeds :00 thank you as well GPR
@juicifer -borne (-t)o

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