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Q: 6-Round Word Search

JLee Round 1 symbols for minutes or feet (6) things made of several parts (10) $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(\frac{1}{2})^n$ (3) Round 2 Italian snow, reversed (4) supporting pillars (7) at that time (4) strange (3) Round 3 occasional (3) how one powers a single skull (4) after that (4) flat and smooth (4) Ro...

2 hours later…
Q: How can the knight traverse a chessboard to make a path that sums to 100

Will Octagon GibsonTHE KNIGHT'S CENTURY. THEN Dr. Bates drew on a large sheet of paper a reduced chessboard of twenty-five squares, and numbered it in the manner shown in our diagram. He then placed a chess knight on the central square, which was not numbered, and asked us to make a series of knight's moves (as man...

8 hours later…
I'm thinking uh might have to be er
2 hours later…
it is insane to me that you can literally post puzzles here where the solver has to figure out what to do on their own with no instructions and someone will quickly figure it out every time, while at the same time if you post detailed instructions of the rules using bullet points there will always be someone who's like "uhh i dun get it"
case in point: new user makes 5th edit to a puzzle description because a >10k guy doesn't get the basic rules of masyu, which are explained on the tag page with over 30 examples
Q: Another four 3D masyu

Alexey BirukovThis puzzle is inspired and descended from Brain-breaking 3D masyu Here the exact copy of rules, for convenience: This is a three-dimensional masyu puzzle.1 The five squares depict the layers of a $5\times5\times5$ cube. The goal is to make a single loop in 3D space which fulfills the following...

see also: me re-re-explaining how masyu works just 2 weeks ago, and bobble's half a dozen edits to explain what a tetromino is
Guess it's better to just spell out all the rules every time. — Jafe Apr 5 at 16:20
narrator's voice: it was not
2 hours later…
Q: Somethings lead to the answer

Prim3numbahI wanted to see if my group of 8 long-time online friends, some of which had the same nationality and some not, would be clever enought to figure out where I've hidden a treasure somewhere in the world, so I arranged a puzzle for them. I sent them a message, in a group chat, of unique flight rout...

Q: This bird is so popular, many countries around the world were named after it

Mindwin Remember MonicaThere's a bird, it's very popular. Several IRL Earth countries (more than 2) around the world were named after the same bird, although the relation between the country name and the bird is not obvious. You must think in a foreign language. What's this bird scientific name? What countries were n...

5 hours later…
@Jafe If someone wants to post a puzzle of whatever type and not provide the rules, as long as they're linked to from the tag page or puzzle, great. But if someone provides the rules, and they're different from the standard rules, then I think it's very reasonable to assume the OP is deliberately using different rules from the standard ones and to react accordingly.
For example, when a recent post said something about how all the shapes must be "tetrominoes (I, O, S, T)" and linked to the tetromino Wikipedia page, I think it's reasonable to assume that those four are meant to the exclusion of all others. Or at least that they might be, and to ask.

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