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@DannyuNDos Okay, I think the answer is [a logical property] IDLYDIABETIC* = DECIDABILITY, but 'soon' and 'diarrhea' are a bit flowery.
@PolygonPotpourri Yup!
@DannyuNDos Hm. Why 'diarrhea', though?
Also, 'diarrhea' being an example of something 'flowery' doesn't happen too often.
That is just to theme with "diabetic".
@DannyuNDos Yeah. A bit flowery, really. In cryptic clues, no word should be wasted.
Sorry about that...
@DannyuNDos It's okay. Learn from it; refine it.
CCCC: Like this cryptic clue metapuzzle spanning fewer than ten clues, and the metapuzzle's answer? (7)
A full solution is needed.
Q: Um enigma de uma imagens com ícones japoneses , eu já tentei pegar as inicias mas não deu certo, me ajudem!

Enigmas_ofcEu já tentei várias coisas, como encontrar números na imagem, ver palavras através da imagem etc. Imagem 👇 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1304954388443566142/13049754274666694656/IMG_20241109_215835_213.jpg? ex=67315893&is=67300713&hm=be100449725cfce74b3c92330eb71d33f462cd466a9eea2dab55...

1 hour later…
Since "fewer than ten clues" means "nine clues or less", here are the nine previous clue answers: 1+1=2, chemotherapy, no dice, idle time, big game, inner eyes, high-tech, acre-inch, look up
The clues themselves may also be important, but I won't list them for now
interesting that the last several have all been two words but I can't suss out a pattern with that
.... and 1+1 = 2
@juicifer some of them sound like they should be near-homophones... like "no dice idle time big..." should, with appropriate inflection, sound like some sentence. But, if so, I can't find the right inflection.
anagram is 7 letters but i cant see any other reason thatd be the answer
9 hours later…
Q: Numbers in correct order

Prim3numbahHow many 7's must replace the question mark in order for this sequence of numbers to make sense? Explain your reasoning. 11111 222222 33333 444444 55555 66666 ? 888888 99999

4 hours later…
Q: What do these words have in common

AlphaNoodleWet, ash, ask, ASL, BBC, sad, fig, kiss, rope, put, gas, has, top, lad, TRIP.

3 hours later…
Q: Threatening queens

user591814Two queens placed on a chessboard are said to threaten each other if the two lie in the same row, column or diagonal, and there are no other queens on the line segment between them. For which positive integers $k$ does there exist a positive integer $n$ and an $n\times n$ chessboard with a non-...

Some comment drafts are better left unsent
@LukasRotter I know exactly how you feel... I regularly write then delete - and have done so today...

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