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12:15 AM
Q: How To Do Panini Linguistics Olympiad question about Genes from Space

MeltedStatementRecognizingThe Problem The Request Could someone please check to see if my solution below is correct? Thank you! My Solution Sections of the gene sequence are separated by the codon CND, like below: The underlined parts are the proteins involved. The first underlined part is the protein doing the action(...

3 hours later…
2:48 AM
C4 in the morning
3:03 AM
5 hours later…
7:38 AM
Apr 28, 2021 at 3:49, by Jafe
CCCC: Film in which Morgan Freeman is observed to drink a bit of 7-up (5)
To clarify, what's the definition here? Is it "Film in which Morgan Freeman is"?
Yeah I think so.
He just is.
Hmm I see thx
8:03 AM
yeah that's it
8:58 AM
9:37 AM
CCCC: Ban party member that foreshadows death (8)
10:05 AM
@AncientSwordRage i have an answer but it's seven letters
Also I should have thought of editing the C4 archive sooner... there's only a few days left before I get busy again
I want to say that PROSCRIBE is the answer, because SCRIBEs are dead, but "party member"= PRO seems like a stretch
10:22 AM
that's 9 letters tho :0
10:57 AM
Thou shalt count to 8, not 6, nor 7. Nine is right out
Interestingly I've come across an extremely productive Qat search, but it's all using the same trick
@AncientSwordRage (thx for the confirmation)
11:34 AM
@oAlt you're welcome
5 hours later…
4:38 PM
@oAlt although next time considering using a real priest
4:48 PM
Took me a bit of Googling to get that lol
5:00 PM
Q: A Quick Rebus Puzzle

ACB(Awarding prizes to runners-up) And the winner is... (applause) ... where is our winner? (Click to enlarge.) Note: The flavor text is for flavor only. This is a rebus puzzle. So, What does this rebus say?

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