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Hi !
Thanks for your time!
No problem :)
One sec
So xrandr --output LVDS-0 --off works, xrandr --output LVDS-0 --auto --right-of MI-0 does not turn it back on but xrandr --output LVDS-0 --auto does.
But the screens are mirrored, right?
when I use xrandr --output LVDS-0 --auto
They get mirrored
Do any of the commands give error messages?
$ xrandr --output LVDS-0 --auto --right-of MI-0
xrandr: cannot find output "MI-0"
@54N1 Cool, try with --output "HD MI-0" instead
ok a sec
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output LVDS-0 --off
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output HD MI-0
xrandr: unrecognized option 'MI-0'
Try 'xrandr --help' for more information.
sani@saniscomp:~$ $ xrandr --output HD MI0 --auto --right-of MI-0
$: command not found
sani@saniscomp:~$ $ xrandr --output HD-MI0 --auto --right-of MI-0
$: command not found
sani@saniscomp:~$ $ xrandr --output HD-MI-0 --auto --right-of MI-0
$: command not found
sani@saniscomp:~$ $ xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of MI-0
$: command not found
could u specify the command please :P
No, I meant with the quotes (and never include the $):
xrandr --output "HD MI-0" --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --auto  --right-of "HD MI-0"
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output "HD MI-0" --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --right-of "HD MI-0"
warning: output HD MI-0 not found; ignoring
Dammit. That's strange
Try xrandr --output "HDMI-0" --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --right-of "HDMI-0"
:/ the second screen is a built in laptop screen
@54N1 Which one, the LVDS I assume right?
The 24inch small one we are trying to activate back by command
xrandr --output "HDMI-0" --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --right-of "HDMI-0" gives no result
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output "HDMI-0" --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --right-of "HDMI-0"
@54N1 But no error? Good.
Does this turn the screen off?
xrandr --output "HDMI-0" --off
I want to make sure that the screen's identifier is actually HDMI-0
That turned off the main screen 27" wich was the only one on lol
but yes it turns of the main one :)
@54N1 OK, so the HDMI-0 is the correct identifier.
Yes :)
OK, gimme a sec to try something
@54N1 what exactly is your desired setup? Should the external (HDMI) screen bethe primary? Which one should be to the left of which?
Yes when the HDMI is connected I rarely want to use the laptop screen
The HDMI 27" is to the left
So when both are on, you'd like your desktop to be extended to the laptop's right?
No to my laptops left
My laptop is right of my screen
@54N1 Sorry, I meant you'd like your desktop to be extended to the laptop's correct?
And the hdmi 27 to be the primary
OK, does this work?
xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of HDMI-0
If not, try this:
xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --mode 1920x1080+1920+0
Which one, the first?
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of HDMI-0
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output LVDS-0 --off
sani@saniscomp:~$ xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of HDMI-0
sani@saniscomp:~$ ^C
Turned it off and then back on how I want it to be
@54N1 OK, I updated my answer with the correct command. You should be able to set the keyboard shortcuts now.
ok I will try it now
hm the post is not update
Just reload the page, I can see the update on mine, I only changed one line in the script
I know this is a really beginers question, but how do I save the script do I just enter it into the terminal
like this I mean
sani@saniscomp:~$ #!/usr/bin/env bash
sani@saniscomp:~$ if [[ $1 = "off" ]]; then
> xrandr --output LVDS-0 --off
> else
> xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --primary --output LVDS-0 --mode 1920x1080 --right-of HDMI-0
> fi
sani@saniscomp:~$ ~/ off
sorry it says exactly how in your post
Evrything works from the command promt the only thing not working is the keyboard shourtcuts
@54N1 Sorry, I was away. How did you set the shortcuts? try using the full path instead of ~/
So, if your home directory is /home/54N1 and the script is at /home/54N1/ use /home/54N1/ in the shortcuts

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