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@pxeger Feel free to start it :)
@alephalpha Feel free to start yours
@naffetS Feel free to start yours
@emanresuA I'll happily take your two
I'll award the 2 you're owed, plus any remaining ones. Feel free to go ahead and start awarding whichever 5 unclaimed ones you'd like, I'll start the rest of mine after you
@emanresuA Do you have a specific answer you'd like me to award the bounty to, for the Best Original Challenge award?
@cairdcoinheringaahing this one?
Would you mind hyperpinging pajonk and radvylf about which answers they want?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'll do this one
@pajonk @RydwolfPrograms You both have wins in categories in Best of 22 where your challenge/question won, instead of the answer. What answers would you like the bounty to be awarded to?
@cairdcoinheringaahing And this one
@emanresuA Oh also wheat wizard
I can do that one
@emanresuA @WheatWizard ping
Idr if I officially volunteered but I can do a bounty if there's one left
I don't believe you did, but feel free to do so :)
I'll do two more next week
Which ones haven't been taken?
I think last year we used a google doc or a hackmd or something to keep track
I guess a kinda janky way to do it would be starring each unclaimed bounty and unstarring them once they're posted
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can I do this one?
@emanresuA You claiming the depth map one to award?
@RydwolfPrograms Feel free to award it
@cairdcoinheringaahing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can do it, sure (next week though)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Bounty posted

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