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Q: Orthography for mathematicians?

Michael HardyOrthography includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, spacing between words, and everything about correct writing. Everybody has seen fonts that look good and fonts that look bad. The difference is caused by very numerous tiny differences in the geometric design of the characters or the way...

Given that this site inherently uses a mix of fonts, rather than sticking with Computer Modern, I am not convinced that being a purist on ${\rm\LaTeX}$ use needs to be pursued to the bitter end. I am actually quite peeved when people decide to prettify my posts, since they are usually aimed at communicating mathematics rather than having a monument for the ages. YMMV, of course, and I don't claim to be in the majority. — Yemon Choi 14 hours ago
Writing $a|b$ instead of $a\mid b$ is like complaining that someone's copperplate caligraphic hand-written letters are poorly done, when they are self-taught. I personally try to follow good practice, but please know that people teach themselves (La)TeX from all kinds of random sources, including from their mates, by trial and error etc. If you are wanting to somehow turn the tide on a global phenomenon, good luck, — David Roberts ♦ 12 hours ago
What kind of "systematic and automatic way" do you envision? I can't really imagine anything more effective than the current system (i.e., someone fixes the post and perhaps writes a comment on some specific points). As most of these things depend on context, they would be very hard to reliably automate. — Emil JeÅ™ábek 4 hours ago
6 hours later…
in Mathematics, 34 mins ago, by Sine of the Time
$\dots +\dots$
in Mathematics, 34 mins ago, by Sine of the Time
also here the last three dots are lower
in Martin Sleziak's room, 24 mins ago, by Soumik Mukherjee
Hi, do you know if this is a bug or something?
in Martin Sleziak's room, 9 secs ago, by Martin Sleziak
@SoumikMukherjee I don't know. I have mentioned this in the MathJax chatroom - perhaps somebody knowledgeable might notice that.

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