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@speedysnail6 Hi, terdon would like to use this room instead of comments. It's much cleaner. Could you pop in here please? Thanks.
OK, can you show me the ifconfig output on the server please?
crap, you can't post it from the server can you?
Well I can sorta
What I did before was send the output from ifconfig to a .txt on my web server
but that wont work because i cant access it lol
You can put it on a flash drive
umm k 1 sec
sd card?
ifconfig > someFile.txt then cp someFile.txt /location/of/flash/drive
will it work with a SD card?
@Speedysnail6 at least run the ifconfig and tell me if the settings are the ones I have in my answer
ok ill do that
@Speedysnail6 Yep.
how do i find name again?
i'm looking at my history trying to find the command
sudo ifonfig
depending on your setup, you probably need the sudo.
i mean find devices
You only have two on the server, you want the eth0
I mean to find the name of the SD card :p
AH :)
Will be in /media probably, don't really use them
I need to see the list of devices
I think the command started with a g?
ls /media
this isnt working
@terdon what specifically do you need
i might as well just type it
@Speedysnail6 just run the ifconfig first and tell me what you see for the seonc line, the one that was:
      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Is it
inet addr is:
bcast is
mask is
no, scratch that. looks fine
can you ping the server from the laptop?
unknown host
and ifconfig on the laptop? Does it also have a 192.168.1.xx address?
From the laptop:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
OK, that's strange, they seem to be on the same network alright
trying to get some more help, hang on
okay... well i appreciate your help with this
@strugee talking about this
Q: Sharing a connection with a server using a unique ip

Speedysnail6I have followed Luis Alvarado's post on Sharing Connection to other PCs (Via Wired Ethernet) up until the "Client PC" part and am now sharing my laptop's internet connection with my Desktop server with an ethernet cable. However, only my laptop can see the server (at, no other machi...

@Speedysnail6 you're welcome, I'm curious now, I'm afraid I'm missing something obvious
@terdon unfortunately I have 0 networking knowledge
oh well, slm is the one we really need
Why am I getting a different responce for the numerical ip and
@Speedysnail6 ??
@terdon probably
That's interesting, what response? is unknown host
that's either DNS or no internet
What's the number return?
umm the one you gave me for
i said that in the comment
number return?
@Speedysnail6 I meant numerical
try ping just in case
the one for
If not, we have to make sure the settings on the laptop are correct and the connection is being shared, that's the likeliest problem since you changed them when my 1st answer did not specify that I meant the server
It says From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
OK, can you double check the laptop settings? Make sure they're set up the same way you had them when it worked, look at the same guide
hang on
By the way, what versions of Ubuntu are you running?
server is newest version too
Should I try restarting my laptop?
@Speedysnail6 hang on, have you restarted since changing the settings?
Reconnected at least?
yes, i believe so
I'm going to shut them both down
and try it again ;-)
OK, try deselecting the "Require IPv4 for connection to complete" check box on both also just in case
remember i have a gui
i mean no gui
OK, laptop only then :)
ok :-P
ill be back
Hi @slm he's rebooting now
Executive summary: ping google -> unknown host and ping -> no route to host
so, no network and no DNS
@Speedysnail6 any changes?
turning on server right now
the adapter in my laptop is so annoying
it's not that it's slow, but i had to delete the Wifi network to connect again...
Here's the question for reference:…
i actually have to go
i appreciate your help
i'll let you know if it works my server is acting weird
sorry about that
@Speedysnail6 OK, if I think of anything, I'll add it to my answer
alright, thanks again
I tend to be around so you can come into the main chat room on Ask Ubuntu or Unix & Linux and ping me if you like
Since you're running the server version, I recommend the Unix & Linux room, there are more hardcore commandline geeks there

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