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@terdon hi. i heard back from the Annals of Applied Statistics editor. I asked her if she thought that a more statistical or a more biological/bioinformatical journal would be more appropriate, and she thought a more biological journal would be appropriate. Do you agree?
My feeling is also that the readership of bioinformatics journal would be more likely to include people who would be interested in the actual content of the paper. What do you think?
It seems statistical people would be much more likely to be interested in just the methodology.
2 hours later…
@FaheemMitha I can't speak for the statisticians but yes, as long as your article has a biological slant to it, bioinformatics is a good choice, there are many mathematicians working in bioinformatics who would be likely to read it and be interested in it.
@terdon you are referring to the oxford bioinformatics journal, specifically? or bioinformatics journals generally?
Bioinformatics journals in general and the Oxford one in particular.
@terdon ok
I see the Oxford one allows preprints online so it is not too bad
But as I said before, these are the types of articles that I personally would not read so I am not really an expert on what they would find interesting.
@terdon yes, I take your point.
Still, it is not as good as proper open access
@FaheemMitha ? It is open access, you just have to pay for it...
I don't know of any journals in biology that let you publish for free. There may be some but it is not the norm.
@terdon ok, true. optional open access. but i bet they don't waive the fee. some of the others might.
@terdon they let you put a preprint online. is this something you do? do you have a web site?
Don't know and no
ok, dumb question, but when you put a preprint online do you format it a generic way? i'm actually not even sure if you use LaTeX or not
@terdon ok, you don't put preprints online? i'm thinking of creating a web site for this. maybe i need to move up the priority everyone agrees it is a good idea
@FaheemMitha I honestly don't know, I've never done it and
@terdon ok, no problem.
@FaheemMitha YES of course you use latex, they have a perfectly good template to download
@terdon no, i mean whether you use latex
ok, never mind.
Big resounding YES
LaTeX is still quite popular even in biology. Most journals offer LaTeX templates
@terdon ok. i was just wondering how to format a preprint, that's all. it should not have journal specific info in it, I suppose.
@FaheemMitha absolutely no idea but presumably it would have the journal's style
The link above is the latex template of bioinformatics
@terdon ok
@terdon yes, i see it.
@terdon thanks, you've been very helpful. i won't bother you any more.
@FaheemMitha don't worry about it, when you start pissing me off, I'll tell you :)
@terdon ok
I just don't have that much experience really, all the pricing stuff is handled by PIs/secretaries I've never touched it
@terdon ok. lucky you. maybe.
i'm guessing your work is heavily collaborative then? in nearly all cases i've gone it alone. even when i supposedly had co-authors.
i've been first author on everything i've published
@FaheemMitha I have been 1st sometimes not first others but have never published alone. That basically never happens in biology. The PI is always an author (remember we disagreed about whether that was correct or not)
@terdon yes, i remember that conversation.
Publishing alone is also a lot more work.
@terdon wow, this is so gratifying. the feedback page for oxford bioinformatics is broken. it won't let me submit. i think their spam filter may be screwed up
2 hours later…
@terdon failed on chromium, worked on firefox. sheesh.

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