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Hi, I just wanted to drop a quick message after your recent migration of this question (SO original).
There's a general rule of" don't migrate crap", and, honestly, this was a rather poor question that should have been closed, not migrated.
Of course, you might have voted to close and others voting to migrate might have overruled your vote. In that case, sorry for bringing this up.
Yes, you are right. I actually thought as I was voting that a migration would only cause work for the mods at SU because the Q was, as you say, crap.
I was in too much of a hurry and followed the other voters.
To be honest there have been a lot of changes recently in the close mechanisms
For a while it seemed to me that the option for automatic migration had gone away
Frankly I think the whole network would be better without automatic migration
@DavidHeffernan actually when the question is rejected is migrated back to the origin ;)
If the askers really want help, it won't hurt them to re-ask at the right site. I think auto migration is probably confusing for noobs anyway.
Back to the origin? That means we have to close it again! Double helping of work. Honestly auto migration does more harm than good in my view
@DavidHeffernan unfortunately, a lot of SO users with VTC privileges are not exceedingly well-educated on the etiquette of migration, so SU is pretty much a dumping ground for bad SO questions :/
any little bit we can do to help educate SO'ers is less work for everyone :)
Consider me educated. I will do better in the future!
FWIW, I'm normally aware of this issue, and normally don't migrate crap, I just made a mistake this time
Thanks for your advice
oh, it's no problem, I assumed more along the lines that the other close voters who started that migration process are more at fault there
we just have to get the message out, so that a larger percentage of the voters over yonder will observe the common migration etiquette, and then it's all good :)

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