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He's got the fiscal part down, but again, can't vote for someone that brings all that religious stuff to the table with it
<sigh> All you @MichaelHampton ... if you want.
@HopelessN00b there was lots of US companies making a ton of money by seling oil to germany during WW2, so lets not pretend that either side is any better.. My point is that you'd think that the world has gotten smarter and stop fighting over such a extremely polluted energy source, and rather work together on new power technology.. but thats just the idealist in me
@pauska Well, that's because they're not fighting over the oil. They're fightin over the money that comes from it.
Thats the same thing..
@pauska Oh, PEOPLE have gotten smarter and worked on new power sources. It's governments standing in their way... I really want one of those truck-sized nuclear power plants but I'll never be able to get one.
fucking tinnitus.. sounds like an airplane engine inside my ears
I really should be sleeping :|
I'm just unwinding
"20:05" - corrected that for you, np.
@MDMarra I didn't like that either, but you know, I figured he would be too busy saving the economy to bother with those issues.
@MichaelHampton Again, there are at least 2 justice appointsments that will happen in the next 8 years. Likely 3
Those are the big prize of the national election
Potential Ron Paul appointments are a scary though
@MDMarra All the more reason to hope it doesn't happen with a liberal in the president's office? They've already expanded government power more than enough.
To me, anyway
@HopelessN00b The social issues are the big ones, to me anyway
History is going to look back on everyone that voted conservative around this gay marriage decision and look at them in the same way that they look at people that voted to "keep slavery" or keep "separate but equal" around.
@MDMarra Enh. If the government hadn't expanded it powers as much as it has, they wouldn't be issues, because the government wouldn't have the authority to legislate it.
@HopelessN00b Can't put it all back in the box after it's been opened
@MDMarra All you can do is burn Rome, then?
user image
@MDMarra So, let's keep opening up the box and giving government more power, to fix the problems it created in the first place?
are people still believing that the financial problems stem from bad administration from obama? are people really that uneducated?
@pauska Very much so.
@HopelessN00b All I'm saying is that it's not realistic to ignore the current state of the supreme court and the current laws of the US when voting for a candidate.
@ewwhite are we discussing the rulings of the nine now?
Sure Ron Paul wants a smaller gov't and all that. But he's not going to undo what's been done
@pauska Obama? No, it's not a partisan thing. Both parties fucked things up in their own special ways.
@pauska Well, how many trillions were spent on how many failed stimuluses? Not that we're feeling it now, but we sure will be in a decade or so, when someone else is in the office to take the blame for it.
And the justices that he'd appoint would do more "harm" than good if you're on the "for" side of the gay marriage debate.
If Paul had been elected, for arguments sake, and Ginsberg retires, he'd be more likely to appoint someone that would side with Alito/Scalia than the liberal justices and that would do massive hard to women's rights and gay rights.
@MDMarra No president, or congressman, will ever undo or even slow the expansion of government.
@HopelessN00b failed? things are rolling along, instead of going into a total meltdown/depression (again)..
@MDMarra Well, the only realistic approach seems to be to bend over and expect the worse.
I'd just rather not have another thousand year Dark Ages when this empire collapses.
@pauska Wish I could get away with that in my job... making unprovable assertions like "If I hadn't done that, things would be even worse!"
@pauska: Obama? No. If you're a democrat you blame reagan (despite the fact that the economy was great in that period), if you're republican you blame clinton
Clinton is generally regarded as a great president from an economics standpoint
@pauska They're failures by the metric that they didn't live up to the even meager promises he made about the impact they'd have on a recovery.
from both sides
@HopelessN00b now that I can understand, expectations are much harder to live up to
@MDMarra: actually, not really - a lot of the sub prime loan related issues are blamed on decisions he made
@JourneymanGeek During the reagan years we had Volcker in a panic trying to prevent "deflation", during the clinton years we had insistence on a balanced budget. Both produced periods of relative economic prosperity, through different means.
and a lot of people, at best consider him a bit of a lame duck. I personally think he's done more as an ex president
@MDMarra Not really. There's a lot of strength behind the view that it was a deadlocked Congress that impacted the economy more than the president, and the big decisions he did make were pretty damaging in the long-view.
um, wasnt it the reagan tax laws that caused this mess in the first place? Sure, it boomed the economy back then but it also paved the way for the hillarious wealth differences you see today
but by all means correct me if im blatantly wrong here.. im not american :)
@voretaq7: I really think corporations need to wake up and realise they need a healthy home market to do well ;p
@pauska: depends on who you ask
@JourneymanGeek The subprime disaster is because people stopped listening to Greenspan after the 5th word ("Subprime mortgages are great things" -- the rest of that sentence is "As a component of a well balanced and robust portfolio")
Part of a complete breakfast!
@JourneymanGeek what a novel concept: Pay the worker enough to buy the product they make!
@voretaq7: I'm not assigning blame, just saying that there's a clear difference in who people blame on crap
The problem is that republicans keep saying "jobs are gone we can bring them back!" they're ignoring globalization. Those jobs are gone. They're never coming back. Stop promising people that and focus on the long-term goal of a more highly educated workforce and STEM jobs
from an outsiders viewpoint I can tell you this.. be happy you got bernanke. He seems like one of few sane people when it comes to economics
@pauska our tax laws have always been pretty fucked. But they won't get un-fucked any time soon.
@voretaq7 Well, that's a weasel phrase anyway. Practically anything's a great thing as part of a well balanced portfolio. Because the well balanced portfolio is the great thing, not whatever's in it.
@voretaq7: and lower costs by working smarter, not offloading things to places with cheap labour
As long as China/Taiwan/Brazil get away with super-low wages for factory workers, assembly is dead in the USA and no amount of republican politicians can bring them back
@MDMarra: it isn't sustainable
But then it will shift to Africa
@HopelessN00b the actual quote is a bit deeper than that, and it comes from a much larger paper Greenspan wrote. But everyone latched onto "SUBPRIME LOANS CAN MAKE YOU A FORTUNE GIMMIE GIMMIE LEND LEND LEND"
Or Argentina
@MDMarra exactly. The only way to provide them jobs is to raise the educational level across the board, which then again will remove poverty..
@JourneymanGeek It's sustainable as long as they buy something from us in return.
@voretaq7: what does the US have that they can sell?
The low-skill assembly/manufacturing jobs are gone and it will take hundreds of years for all of the workers-revolutions to happen in all of the countries that they're going to
@JourneymanGeek food
All economies (local, regional, national, global) must be a balanced cycle - unfortunately Congress doesn't have many economists so they don't get that...
@voretaq7 Well, to be fair, it's been going on since before Greenspan was even an adult. Political pressure has always been there to offer subprime loans, so the congress critters can take credit for helping their constituents afford a home.
@JourneymanGeek Food.
specifically corn.
Corn? But we need that for our gas tank!
and that delicious candy of yours
@HopelessN00b yes, but the low interest rates of the Greenspan years made them even more attractive
you can keep the beer
not praising Volcker's 20% plus interest rates by any means, but they made even subprime loans unattractive
@voretaq7: so basically you've traded off all your high value added industries, for going back to a (admittedly industrialised) agrarian economy?
@voretaq7 Yup, that's what fueled adoption by more and more people.
@MichaelHampton Beets are better for that.
@JourneymanGeek Yup.
@JourneymanGeek technology.. and lots of it.
we've always been (and always will be) an agrarian economy.
the problem is (again) those stupid tax laws
Food is the great driving force
@pauska: technology can be copied and knocked off.
like apples scheme of sending cash outside US to avoid tax.. its just plain silly
@JourneymanGeek but the huge amount of cultivatable land we have is pretty hard to copy.
@JourneymanGeek and it always will, but pioneering it is the big advantage..
@pauska: ugh, thats one of those things were the financial system is broken as hell
the US is blessed with an enormous amount of nearly perfect farmland.
@voretaq7 Yet another argument in favor of drug legalization. Replace some of those subsidized corn fields with something of value. Like Pot or Coca leaves.
didnt some states legalize cannabis?
(about fucking time, btw)
Colorado and Washington
@pauska: Well, other than that a lot of companies in the former industrialised world are basically using patents offensively primarily to stop others from using it
@HopelessN00b Legalize Everything - then tax the everloving fuck out of it.
@pauska But it's still federally illegal
@pauska Still a federal crime to possess, cultivate, etc.
@MDMarra well that makes sense..
So if the Drug Enforcement Agency really wanted to, they could bust the distributers in those states
@pauska Not really. The state governments won't come after you (for personal use), but the DEA will still raid you, so it doesn't mean shit, in practice.
But the Obama administration has committed to not doing that
imagine the tax income if cannabis were allowed country-wide..
@pauska: bit meh on that. Pot is stinky, and I'm one of those people who has a pretty annoying reaction to the stuff
@MDMarra the Obama administration can't commit to not doing that.
/me totally hates being mellow
@voretaq7 They have
@MDMarra that's nice - he doesn't have that authority
One of his appointees controls the DEA or whatever
@MDMarra Yeah, two weeks after he said that, the DEA busted up a big medical marijuana farm in California. So that promise is worthless.
Not sure exactly how it works
@HopelessN00b Hadn't seen that
or some large alcohol company has paid lots of lobby money
@MDMarra it works by Congress staging a hearing and screaming that the DEA is not doing its job. Throw in a few "THE TERRORISTS WILL WIN" for good luck, and we have a new DEA head gung-ho to bust pot peddlers.
which doesnt sound too unrealistic
(why are lobbying allowed? its crazy)
He can pardon whoever he wants. Did he pardon the people the DEA went after?
or by someone suing the DEA for not following its mandate (failing to enforce federal drug laws).
its like legalized corruption..
@MDMarra Pffft. It's more than a little delusional to think he'll do that.
@MDMarra now THAT he can do. And if the president wants to keep pardoning people for selling pot that's all fine and dandy - there's a firm legal basis for it.
and frankly I'd like to see Obama get up every week and read off a list of pardons for nonviolent drug offenders.
@HopelessN00b It was a question
("And little johnny, this is his fifth pardon for possession of an ounce of pot by the way, he's pardoned...")
@MDMarra No, he hasn't. Presidential pardons generally come at the end of the term anyway (to mitigate/avoid blowback), and there's no way in hell he'll pardon a bunch of dope dealers.
It'd be nice and all, but it smacks of the stupidity I heard around the first time he was running for office that he'd be a great drug legalization candidate and like that there. Wishful thinking.
@HopelessN00b "presidential" pardons are generally handled by a specific branch of the white house counsel's office which has as its sole purpose picking pardons that will not offend anyone so the president can say "Look, I pardoned people, see how benevolent I can be?!"
@pauska: cause lobbyists can buy the people who make laws against it ;p
@pauska We prefer to call that "government"
@voretaq7 That too. And don't forget the pardoning done for lobbying/political contribution reasons. That's a big chunk of them.
Corruption, theft, even murder...all OK if the government does it!
Anyway, duty calls.
I really have to get some sleep.. have a good easter everyone. Norway shuts off from tomorrow at noon until tuesday.
yes, we're a disgustingly spoiled country
@pauska A week long?
@pauska fuck you all and your euro-vacations
@pauska wow... our "vacation" is that the boss promised to try not to call us in on sunday lol
Wife just said, "I think I want a Samsung Droid phone"
Instead of her iPhone 4
@ewwhite take money away from apple! fight the power!
dont feed the corporate machine!
@ewwhite Get her the Note 4. It'll never fit in her hands.
we already are all-Apple here. Multiple Macs, multiple iPhones, multiple iPads...
@jscott why do you say?
@ewwhite Half joking. Knew you guys were an Apple household. A Droid should work just fine.... except for the iTunes sharing, AirPlay, App Store, etc ,etc. :)
@ewwhite corporate lapdog! stop buying into it! go microsoft, windows phones, surface pro's!
think different!
@jscott Well, I'm a heavy iTunes user. I have no idea what Samsung/Droid/whatever people do.
@ewwhite bittorrent
@ewwhite I think they just pirate their music directly from Google.
Even the Android users I know at work do not use the Google Music app.
You mean Limewire??
@ewwhite We listen to MP3s, what else?
I cant say anything about Samsung, but I have an HTC rezound, I like it, wife has a new razor, its good too
KaZaA! DC!
@MichaelHampton but you're not a Mac user... Mac-folk are all about their iTunes ecosystem..
One thing I've never really felt compelled to do, though, is listen to music on my phone.
Seems Samsung is better-spec'd hardware on paper.
@ewwhite Oh yeah, they make a lot of very nice phones.
I dunno, my GF got a Galaxy S III and returned it in just a couple of days. It was just too... annoying.
@MichaelHampton It seems like a nice platform... but more for people who like tweaking
I spend all day tweaking...
@ewwhite For tweaking, give me a Motorola Droid or preferably a Nexus.
Samsung goes way out of their way to make their phones unfriendly to people who like to get under the hood, root their devices, etc.
Oh, I see...
I just assumed Android was Android.
And even if you don't root, Samsung's Windows software (Kies) is total trash - or totally trashes your computer.
No more than Linux is Linux or BSD is BSD. Android is "open source" which means they go customization crazy. It's also Apache licensed, which means they don't have to let you play with the innards.
Wife says her friends are leaving their iPhones for Samsung.
But now that Google's bought Motorola's cell phone division, we should see some more interesting Google/Motorola phones in the future.
If you can put up with all the blinking lights, then by all means...
@MichaelHampton So there's no compelling reason to leave, right?
@ewwhite If you like your iPhone then no. If you don't like your iPhone...
I like shit that works...
These things are tools... I was always a mac fan, but now I see it as something that I make $$ with... and an elegant solution to my consulting needs.
The only problem with one partner switching is that the more savvy one (that's you @ewwhite) will have to learn the new phone regardless if you switch or not.
the iphone is decent enough... hate typing on that, though
Wife is an irresponsible tech user...
@ewwhite divorce
she never runs updates.
And that Google Play store, what a freaking mess.
@MDMarra you're in the iPhone camp, right?
Work tried to give me an iPhone 4
I laughed at them
New phone is currently on order
I said "I currently have a personal 4S that I had my number ported off of for this. I'd like at least a 1:1 replacement for another 4S but a 5 would be preferred"
So I'm not entirely sure what's coming in. We'll see
I wouldn't even change the phone... just ask for reimbursement.
I've been wanting to get off of sprint for a long time though
oh, okay...
This was my way out without committing to a contract
So when I leave, I'll just port the number again to the carrier of my choice and pick up a new contract then
The landscape is changing with 4G rollouts and all that. I'd rather be contract free and let it play out
@ewwhite So, Android will just download the update over the air and annoy you every 12 hours until you finally consent to install it.
@MichaelHampton you know how it is...
I just did updates today on my phone... Partially because I installed SSHd and while tooling around the /data directory I noticed that 24% of the space on my phone was being taken up by a log file.
@ChrisS Instead of Tornado, app summoned a live bobcat. A-, would not buy again.
It seems to be an Android thing to have at least half of the space on the phone sucked down by log files you can't normally delete or the dalvik cache
@ChrisS One should not need to manage the logfiles on their phone
no kidding
@ewwhite TomTom's phone rotates the web server logs automatically.
Exactly. Log files on your phone should be handled behind the scenes by rsyslog and logrotate.
rm, touch, chmod 000 - no more log problem =]
@ChrisS except now you can't make phone calls anymore (I HAVE TO LOG THE CALL! I CAN'T WRITE TO THE LOG, YOU CAN'T MAKE THE CALL!)
mount -o bind /dev/null /var/log
It was an error log.. Every time a random app threw an error it was logged
@ScottPack you Linux weenies and your bondage mounts :P
@voretaq7 Fifty Logs of Grey
The call location data logger is another file, it's capped at 6MB
@ChrisS that's nice - it sends those to the developer right? (cough cough cough)
Yeah, er, no, actually it doesn't....
It would send them to the phone manufacturer, but I don't have that turned on.
@voretaq7 *.* @splunk.rovio.com
@ChrisS because a history of every shithead's failure to bounds-check arrays is more important than my call log...
Apparently a lot of people have this problem with HTC phones, and normally resort to a "factory reset" to get their space back
@ChrisS why do people put up with this fuckery?
@ChrisS That's why I ditched android
Also, /system (where all the built-in apps live) is RO, so updates aren't installed there, they're installed to /data (user space) and take up double space on the phone
and went to...
@JoelESalas I'm glad mine's rooted... I really love it most of the time. Just crap like this now and then.
@ChrisS Rooted is dangerous!
@JoelESalas How?
@ChrisS Let me find it
@voretaq7 Oh shiny!!!
@ChrisS PermitRootLogin SureWhyTheFuckNot!
@ChrisS . . . my iShiny doesn't suck up space with log files...
@ewwhite :( I got an iPhone
@voretaq7 I have to hit accept for an app to su. And it tracks what apps have used it.
I was just like "Do I really want to be hanging out with Ke$ha and then I pull out my geeky-ass galaxy nexus? or do I want her to think I'm cool"
@ChrisS that doesn't defend you against an SSH daemon with its legs spread wide.
@ChrisS Please see exploit and cry
@voretaq7 SSHd is by key only, no password... Also not over the cellular connection, only wifi.
@JoelESalas Watching....
@JoelESalas so should my wife git a Samsung?
@ewwhite Oh, she will..
Her filesystem will end up remounted read-only....
the phone will drop to a maintenance shell...
@JoelESalas Why oh F-ing why is that video player the CPU suck of the century?!
Bouncing between 80-100% CPU to play the LOW QUALITY stream. The HI Q was skipping
@JoelESalas Stopped playing when I noticed they ramble for a whole f-ing hour. And they're not even close to interesting in that first 3:44.... Is there a specific point I can jump to?
"if you're one of those that likes to tinker with the Tor and the BitCoins then..." OMG, it's "Tor", not "The Tor". Same for "BitCoin"; not plural; not a title. It's a proper name. Welcome to the English language.
I hate these people and I've only been watching for 5 minutes.
@ChrisS I like to flip bitcoins to determine what the punishment for bad grammar on the internets is.
Video for script kiddies?
@MichaelHampton Definitely video for people of low tech intelligence
@ChrisS I'll pass, thanks.
Of course, I wasn't about to enable JavaScript on a site called 'hak5'...
I still haven't seen anything even mildly interesting. All the "exploits" they're talking about rely on user stupidity
All the "exploits" they're talking about rely on user stupidity
@RyanRies Oh shit, had forgotten Computer Chronicles. It was on PBS (same channel as Dr. Who) and I didn't have cable TV.
No, there were problems with older versions of Android that made it exploitable (easily), and is how most phones used to be rooted.
@jscott A $5000 laptop will come with a big hard drive... up to 200 megabytes.
@ChrisS that doesn't change the validity of my statement
all exploits rely on stupidity: The designer, the programmer, or the user is an idiot.
Woah, CompuSuck!
@voretaq7 Meh...
@RyanRies @ 7:24 "Show me what happens if you don't have enough memory..."
@MichaelHampton CompuSwerve
@jscott "Who the fuck are you? GUNSHOT"
Also, everything they're talking about relies on adb so far... They mentioned CWM, which I have and realize it's a security hole the size of The Burning Gates, but they're concentrating on someone who left debug mode on.
T-Mobile going totally pay-as-you-go
@voretaq7 Which phones?
@voretaq7 MetroPCS is "buying" T-Mobile
@jscott looks like.... all of them?
@ChrisS thought MetroPCS was the bitch in that merger?
@voretaq7 It's complicated
Or I mean, that should make it easier for them when they croak/get aquired -- less outstanding contracts to settle/xfrer.
@ChrisS did they agree on that as their Facebook status? :)
Metro is "buying" T-Mobile in exchange for 3/4 of the new company...
@ChrisS They're keeping the T-Mobile name. MetroPCS is the bitch :)
Many more people know the T-Mobile name; the MetroPCS name is only well known in the Mid-West and New England
@ChrisS mmhmm, that's what they said about AT&T & Cingular
but the combined company has all the AT&T suck, and very little of Cingular remains
SBC kept the AT&T name...
@ChrisS Everyone keeps the AT&T name
but in its last major merger AT&T was technically the bitch
even though the resulting company kept all the AT&T suck and lost most of the good shit Cingular had
kinda like when Chase buys your bank and all you're left with is a great big blue pile of SUCK.
I do need to get one of those OTG cables.
Cingular was a fun story to watch happen.
I'm a little surprised the iOS devices give up the user photos without anything special. Once you're past the lock screen MTP kicks in and all your photos are available.
@ChrisS Once you pass the lock screen you're authorized.
(or more succinctly, "Don't keep your dick pics on your phone, loser!")
"oh gawd, my eyez"
@voretaq7 Where else am I going to keep @ChrisS' dick pics if not my phone?
@ScottPack on a server, set to email themselves to a reporter if you don't log in after a specified period of time...
Also there's no more appropriate device than an iPhone for homoerotica
@voretaq7 Let's meet in the middle and store said meat on Dropbox.
@ScottPack have some class!
@JoelESalas Lesbians love the vibration patterns?
Now that's what I call haptic feedback.
@ScottPack for some reason they got rid of the stronger liner actuator vibration motor in favor of the shitty rotating one again
One of our DBAs has a shitty old flip phone that vibrates harder than most hand sanders I've used.
@ScottPack That's quite a pleasant euphemism.
@ScottPack Maybe that whys she keeps it around?
@HopelessN00b %s/she/he/
@ScottPack So you're both stuck on this "hand sander" thing then?
Pro Tip: When replaying packet captures 9600 Mbps is subtly different from 9600 pps.
@ScottPack Well a certain type of guy might like something vibrating against his... um, hole... too, so there's that.
@HopelessN00b It's possible. I can't say that I've had conversations sufficient to comment.
I'm actually semi-arguing with a googler
so if we get delisted tomorrow in retaliation or something y'all know what happened :P
(or if I disappear in the middle of the night and all that's left is a little blue "O")
Oh, Google does stupid shit more often than I'd like.
@MichaelHampton itworld.com/it-management/349757/… is what set me off today
(1000 apologies for an itworld.com link)
@ScottPack Don't worry, man. We were all new to this stuff once, too. Just stick with it and you'll get the hang of it eventually
@voretaq7 OK, that's pretty silly.
@MichaelHampton I understand Google has to aggressively defend its trademark, but I think that's kinda crossing a line.
Today's stupid shit Google did that I had to deal with: They run FeedBurner on the same IP addresses as third parties' Google App Engine code. Guess what IP addresses are on various blacklists?
@MDMarra My runtest script uses speed as Mbps by default. I forgot to set the 'speed is in pps' flag.
@MichaelHampton W00H00
I'm working on coming up with a cable color coding standard for my consulting firm. Yes, I'm that bored... Anyway, has anyone else done this already?
hasn't everyone?
@MDMarra Post Advanced Windows Firewall as an answer and I will so upvote you. I'll even bother to log back into my account for the first time in like 3 years to do so.
@Kevin ProTip: Men are color blind. Plan accordingly.
@MDMarra Imagine my surprise when an hour long capture finished in just under 400 seconds.
@Kevin At $lastjob it was yellow for the privileged vlan, black for unprivileged, green for servers, purple for infrastructure
@voretaq7 Not all men, because I can see colors just fine...
and fibre was tagged with a blue stripe for storage and a red stripe for data
Color blindness or color vision deficiency is the inability or decreased ability to see color, or perceive color differences, under normal lighting conditions. Color blindness affects a significant percentage of the population. There is no actual blindness but there is a deficiency of color vision. The most usual cause is a fault in the development of one or more sets of retinal cones that perceive color in light and transmit that information to the optic nerve. This type of color blindness is usually a sex-linked condition. The genes that produce photopigments are carried on the X chro...
@MDMarra "stripe?" what did you use to make the stripe? sharpie?
@voretaq7 74
@ChrisS yes, but the link is actually to the epidemiology section that talks about percentages :)
@Kevin there's thin cable coloring tape that we just wrapped around the plastic where the cable is terminated into the cable end
@voretaq7 You expect me to read your link?? I just saw a picture and immediately posted whatever dribble came out
let me see if I can find a pic
Color blindness, like illness, implies weakness of character.
@ChrisS . . . .
@voretaq7 Oh yeah; hawt
@voretaq7 I had a different name back then
@MDMarra yes you did
and now Google can associate the two names today :P
search already did
search uses the user ID behind the scenes :(
@Kevin Yes. I use red for cables I had a really hard time installing, yellow for cables that I got shocked or injured while installing, pink for cables going to a cute chick's cube, green for cables going to an easy chick's cube, and grey for the rest.
@HopelessN00b That's just f------ awesome!
@Kevin anyway, my point was "Use colors that can be distinguished by luminance (in greyscale)"
@HopelessN00b which cables go to the gay guy's cubes, and have you distinguished so I don't have to go and look at each end user?
@voretaq7 ok
@voretaq7 why are you asking me? ask @HopelessN00b
@Kevin I don't know what you're talking about :-P
<sweeps mistakes under the carpet>
@voretaq7 Nah, I'm not into gay guys, and HR had some concerns around "color-coding the gays" so I don't use any particular color for them.
@HopelessN00b Do they make "rainbow" colored cables?
@HopelessN00b you don't EXPLAIN the coding schemes to HR you damn hopeless n00b!
@Kevin Maybe, but our vendor doesn't.
not cat6 spec tho :P
@voretaq7 Boss is on a documentation kick, so I had no choice. Don't know who showed the cable color guidelines draft to HR.
@HopelessN00b That's why we print docs on stone tablets
boss kicks it once, and we don't have to worry about him coming back for a day or so
@voretaq7 Sure, works great for the final draft, but for preliminary drafts it's a real bitch to edit.
@HopelessN00b Well I SUPPOSE you can use that new-fangled clay stuff - that's not permanent until you bake it.
but a real purist insists on granite.
God.. how much free time can a person possibly have on their hands!?!?! youtube.com/watch?v=Xz0PaPpmGa8&feature=youtu.be
@RyanRies That seems to depend on whether or not the person is Japanese, at least from that video.
It kind of exemplififes the Japanese ethos that we Westerners find so amazing... but as they say, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time...
What is that, anyway? Some secret level in Japanese Super Mario for SNES?
He or she or they sat there and hacked it together and orchestrated the movements to that music so that it played automatededly without any further user interaction
@RyanRies can someone explain the "Let me keep asking to see if the answer changes" thing they do?
ROM hack
because I don't enjoy wasting that time :/
@voretaq7 Things change if you do nothing... that's the basis of meditation... </newage>
Just kidding
@RyanRies Things change if you keep asking me the same question and not accepting the reality of the answer (I get angry and fly to japan to kill people)
Well, to be fair, I've found that if you ignore a problem for long enough, a lot of the time it goes away on its own. So there's that.
@voretaq7 Like Beatrix Kiddo?
@RyanRies whut?
@voretaq7 Goes to Japan and kills people...
@voretaq7 Sorry, my jokes are lame, I should have warned you...

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