Although, now that I think about it, the most retarded licensing scheme was for some PoS software on Windows PCs to interface with an iSeries... "Varisty," I think. Tied to the hard drive serial number. On a PC. Because those never die. Constantly. :/
Fucking winter. I'm sitting in the house, drinking coffee, and suddenly notice that my toes and nose are cold. Thermostat says 63 because I forgot to tell it I'm staying home. Funk this. I miss the summer when I could work on the back porch.
I'm running WRF weather model. That's a ram intensive, highly parallel application.
I need to build a HPC cluster for that. I use 10GB infiniband interconnect.
WRF doesn't depends of core count, but on memory bandwidth.
That's why a core i7 3820 or 3930K performs better than high-grade xeons E5...
I got an application whose bottleneck is memory bandwidth.
Did some bench with i7 3820. It's much faster with 2400MHz than 1600MHz RAM.
Could Xeon E5-2670 handle faster ram than 1600MHz (non ECC) ?
@MDMarra - I think you're answer on using a computer startup script is going to result in you explaining HOW to setup a GPO for a computer startup script. :)
@voretaq7 Ones in these parts are pretty docile, as far as that goes. I've had 'em hiss at me, but as soon as I step towards 'em, they run off. Pity... I can cook a really nice goose.
Picard was definitely a badass, especially when he got a chip on his shoulder after being assimilated, but the lack of a single big story arc on TNG gives Sisko the edge to me.
DS9 is the only Star Trek I can stand, and mainly because it's not Star Trek... with Gene Roddenberry's embarrassingly naive, utopian vision of humanity and technology overcoming human nature.
@voretaq7 The story goes that Straczynski pitched it to Paramount, they said it was shit and rejected it. Then he pitched it to WB, and during pre-production Paramount announced this hot new SciFi show taking place on a Space Station.
I spend a lot of time in SF chat. We like to post a lot of pictures in chat. They're usually not offensive or anything, and 90% of the time they're funny and relevant.
That said, there are times when it would be nice to be able to hide or collapse a chat message. Sometimes it's an image or an an...
Someone (everyone?) at StackExchange sent me a really lovely card and a cuddly unicorn as I'm ill - I'm not sure who to thank specifically but could those mods who are employees please let Joel and everyone else know how grateful I am please, it properly cheered me up at a low point, so thank you everyone. Oh and could you star this so those mods get to see it please.
@ScottPack But considering that WB/PTEN/TNT made it hard enough to get the damn series together I would be scared to see what Paramount would have done to it
@ScottPack the core cast was decent, with a few shining examples (Jurasik & katsulas, furlan and christian once they got used to their characters and weren't made of wood)
@ScottPack I'm utterly fucked, perma-tired, spend at least an hour a day on the toilet, been borderline suicidal once or twice - but what do you do? gotta keep trying at least right? Today I was ok enough to play some BF3, new maps, and a new mode called 'Scavenger' that looks ace
@WesleyDavid Yeah, plus the two months of surgery to start it off too
@ScottPack don't know about power, crawl - but the way I see it is my wife went through two lots of 9 months to have the kids, this will be about 6-7 months all in, and if I get through it it may give me another, what?, 10-30 years to spend with her - so I've got to give it a go right?
@Chopper3 Judging from the care package and how often I, at least, wonder about how you're doing, there's likely a lot of love from random unknown strangers on the Internets.
@ScottPack Yeah, I know I can be a bit of a twat sometimes but you've not believe how many cards I've had off people I've not seen for years/decades - plus loads of amazon vouchers for some reason, everyone knows I read a lot so I guess that's the go-to thing for me it appears
@WesleyDavid We launched, they kindly pulled the advertising packages forward a week so they ran before I had my first surgery (which must have cost at least £500k alone!) - but after that I've totally switched off from work - so I've literally no idea, I've done nothing at all, not even any tech reading - just too tired all the time
@Chopper3 That's good to hear. Hell, I spent close to an hour trawling about to try and find your address to send a card. Are you feeling well enough, often enough, to read?
@Chopper3 I figured you'd want to ease back into things and hit the weight room to walk back into the office looking like Daniel Craig -- automatic weapon and all.
Suit, martini, shades
But yeah, how does your job handle all this? In 'merkuh, you'd probably be sacked and be looking for a new job by April.
@WesleyDavid No, I have it all planned, have you seen 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' when Gene Wilder comes out with his cane? well our office has a very long corridor for me to slowly hobble down before I get to 'my guys'
@WesleyDavid Firstly, I'm super rich :), secondly it couldn't have come at a better time, just between major projects, they're happy to wait for me to come back, and the UK employment laws are not only ace but [main client] are famously good to their staff - so that really
@voretaq7 Heck, I've been seriously considering working at the grocery store down the street. More consistent work, better pay, and at least I'd get exercise.
@Chopper3 Sadly, I haven't seen it. I stopped watching Bond films after Moore. I think I saw half of a Brosnan film. None of the Craig ones. Actually, I've wanted to see some of the Craig Bond films though.
@Chopper3 One of my bosses went through chemo for a nasty bout of leukemia a few years back. I was his office assistant, so got to see it all from the front row so to speak.
@ScottPack It doesn't; as he's not in America - Land of the free to fire you for not letting us chain you to your desk. Sorry, I've been on a "everything that's wrong with our country" kick lately.
@ScottPack DC was in a film called 'The Mother' that was shot in our place when we lived in London - it had been used for films and tv before we moved in so lots of location scouts knew it - a few months after we moved in one contacted us, generally it was a great deal, they'd rent the place, send you on holiday and put everything right before you got back
@ScottPack Yeah, there was a tv show called 'millenium' shot...oddly enough in about '99, that used our place a lot and happened to fall while we had already booked a holiday, so it was just cash in the pocket for doing zero - that was our favourite
I have this code (.bat file) that I want to run by going to each computer that is logged in and executing it. However, not all users have admin rights. Is there anything I can do without logging off to change the IP's from static to DHCP?
netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connectio...
I love youtube playlists. Find the Time Life collection I like (yeah I'm getting old), get the list...find the songs on youtube and add them to a personal playlist. Youtube mp3 ripper...even better.
hmmm...I guess I'll have to renew my library card. Is it just a small desk/room where you bring your kindle or table and they load up your book checkouts? :D
(makes me way to know I'm getting old...I read the same books I've owned for years over and over)
Damn, what a day, some of you may recall that a mate of mine was at facebook as a sysadmin but very specifically didn't have a FB account, nor ever came here for some reason - well he's only gone and 'topped' himself, he always struggled with some form of depression but that's just terrible
Boss sent our old web hosting company a notice to terminate our web hosting. They insist that it takes them 90 days to do that kind of change order and that they must continue charging us $29/mo.
@Zoredache Hosting contract says 30 days. They've been bought by another company that was bought which was in turn bought by another company since that was signed 8 years ago.