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120mm cooler fitted into a 92mm space (with 120mm radiator mounting bars) - tops out at ~60-70 at load
13 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek oh nice, must be a lot less noisy than a 80mm
@yagmoth555 the whole setup is almost silent (the only sign its running is the mildly obnovious pump lights) and I'm confused to how its running that well :D
@JourneymanGeek hehehe, cool setup :)
I'm trying to decide if I want to throw in a GPU (either one of my old ones if it'll fit or a new one)
the onboard one's a ... 16 mb vram aspeed
which for some reason will happily work with windows
integrated graphic work good nowadays for most day to day use, it's only for fullscreen game the gpu is needed imo
Its literally around the same amount of vram as the PC I built over 20 years ago
oh also VGA only, I'm running a VGA -> HDMI -> USB video capture chain :D
@JourneymanGeek hehehe, but now these gpu I think it fall back inside your RAM after ? not a specialist of the subject on the other side
Its a discrete... PCI card...
and I feel like I could spare a little ram for it
yeah, make it 32mo atleast
Not really an option
Kinda debating getting this
but its primary use is as a test bench so not sure about the value
yeah, not much value imo, if for testing
you could get a fanless too in worst case if you need it to stream/video
to stay silent
considering how crammed everything is, probably a bad idea
in task manager, do you see if it share other memory ? on my nas I see that info for a integrated intel
the dedicated is 128mo, while 2g of shared's one
I ask as more I think to it, more 16mo still sound low, lol
there's no GPU tab
oh odd, it's an old OS on my sid eon the other side, windows server 2016 into that NAS
I'll check linux when I reboot
I need to set up some stuff anyway

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