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I think it's really more to do with alternate realities. TPTB live in their MBA reality where make it so magically make stuff happen... the community's reality is more firmly rooted though
Well some of us actually use the sites
also TPTB don't realise that the community has memories more than a quarter
or bonuses
Well, I'm deeply unhappy with the fact they seem to keep cutting people with close ties to the community
Folks may have had problems with Shog, but he did have a firm grasp on dealing with big parts of the community, and we needed more people like Cat or V2blast, not less.
Given what has happened to people within the company who are (perceived as) 'close' to the community, I don't see anyone stepping up any time soon. In fact I see the gap between the company and the community widening evermore and fewer people in the community engaging
3 hours later…
@user9517 Yeah, that's a thing that actually needs to change
Given the dysfunctional reality TPTB reside in, I don't see anything changing
sometimes, very rarely, the cognitive dissonance cracks just a little and some light shines through those spaces empty of good sense :D
Theresa wasn't too bad - she did get the team up to a reasonabler strength. Even managed a community hire or two (whom they promptly downsized between CPOs)
1 hour later…
I miss another event ? kinda happy to not follow mse much, and to have been in vacation
depends - the 'new' data dump thing came out, and TPTB don't want to upload it to IA
No idea when the next dump's coming out, and it per site unless you request it
oh, google crawler are already caching us like hell already anyhow
I see question here on SF that show on google search 15 minutes after it<s posted
I'll be requesting a copy to hold on to 'in case' on the short term
TPTB refuseall, or to do, just make more drama for nothing IMO
eh, more or less trying to keep someone happy
We don't know who tho

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