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2:43 AM
There were a couple of incidents like that, but the primary reason was so that people could discuss things like their employers more candidly without it getting indexed by Google.
2:56 AM
Also, its useful to have somewhere that's sort of a site B on the rare occations SE chat is down.
4 hours later…
6:52 AM
I have to say that I really didn't enjoy having a mod from another SE site come in here and accuse me of impersonating myself either
2 hours later…
8:34 AM
Look at the bad grammar. Look at it! It's painful.
8:50 AM
@JourneymanGeek It's the comma splice that really bothers me.
Nonetheless. No point fixing typos if you add more ;p
@JourneymanGeek I fixed the typos, including both comma splices. Just now I see that my fixes were rolled back without comment. This irritates me.
(Not as much as the time I got into a row on Sci Fi about the correct use of whom.)

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