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@Wesley I know what you're referring to. I saw it, expected it, expected folks to star it.
I didn't expect anyone to apologize.
That's really quite a stand-up thing to do.
@Wesley if I might offer some advice... If this stuff - the questions, the community - if it starts to get to you that way, take a break. This should be fun; something you do for the love of the topic, of the profession, in hope of building resources that are better than the ones you had to learn from. If it isn't fun any more, stop doing it.
I had to take a break from SO years back for the same reason; I was starting to get really bitter about the people. You see too much crap, too many arguments about crap, too many folks saying things they can't take back over things that have no value.
I walked away for ~6 months. Did some other things. Had fun. And it was fun again when I came back.
But if it hadn't been, I wouldn't be here now. And that'd be ok too.
Life's too short, too fully of unavoidable misery, to waste on misery that can be avoided.
Anyway, enough navel-gazing. Time for whiskey.
13 hours later…
@Shog9 Try some from my home town?
@Travis I know this room has been abandoned, and that the luminaries have all gone off to talk at some secret underground location away from prying eyes of mere mortals. What I'm not clear about is why. No other SE community that I'm aware of has this desire for privacy. (And some communities are far more "special cases", far further away from SE's roots, than SF is.)
1 hour later…
@TRiG It's not the fact people wanted privacy per se, it's just the issue we had with people flagging all sorts of stuff - mainly users that didn't know the room culture and the shitstorm that follows after flags get validated.
There's also the SE chat rooms are fully indexed by Google, which some people didn't like.
3 hours later…
@TRiG I don't know the why and never asked.

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