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@markhenderson Do you see me now.
@@7709 Dost thou hear me now?
@@26682 or now?
My bad, @@ is a mod only function. I didn't know this.
@Wesley That's a super secret moderator power
Yeah, its the SuperPing.
I'm seriously considering deleting my account on StackExchange, but not in anger or taking my marbles and going home to pout. More in sadness at what I've let it push me to. Everyone's been in a tizzy with the latest kerfuffle on ServerFault / Meta and getting hissy, quite possibly letting things that are of little lasting value get them angrier than is reasonable in the scope of life. There's been something weighing on me concerning this situation and it started with a star.
A couple of days ago something was said here in The Comms Room to you, @Shog9, that was a rather pointed and personal attack. I'm not sure if you even saw it, but that's not important. I won't link to it specifically or repeated it. The important part is that I starred it. With glee! Except as the hours rolled on... and now a few days have passed, it's been on my mind more and more as I've considered what all has been going down on the site and in meta.
It occurred to me that being in public agreement with the cursing of another person, no matter how anonymous, was as good as if I had said it to the person themselves. I don't know how I let this situation get me to the point it has, but here I am. Shog9, I ask forgiveness for my part in taking what should have remained an impersonal disagreement into deeply personal territory. I was wrong in doing that.
There is no disagreement worth that kind of attack, least of all letting myself get angry and personally attacking someone over something as silly as a bunch of Q/A that will most likely have zero lasting impact on world history in the long run. =)
Okay, hopefully we can all get back to our regularly scheduled programming. I'm heading back to stealth mode and introspection.
@Shog9 Superping as per @Wesley request to see his message above

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