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Q: Missing badges?

Katherine VillyardI know that the cool kids have been running around talking about "fake internet points" since the mod election. That probably means that it'd be cool to not need any steeking badges, either, but I'm a nerd and I think badges smell nice. ;) I think I'm supposed to have Strunk and White and a br...

3 hours later…
posted on December 10, 2014 by Matt Simmons

It’s with some amount of sorrow and trepidation that I begin this blog entry. One of the things that I often need to be reminded of is my own limitations. I think we all can forget that we’ve got human limits and sometimes we take on more than we can deal with. I am a […]

7 hours later…
This room is so quiet recently. I remember 1-2 years ago this place was always hopping :-(
Everyone jumped ship on chat back in October, yeah.
Wow, I missed that
That makes me sad :-(

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