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See ya!
good evening :)
posted on December 04, 2014 by Matt Simmons

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss -- Douglas Adams Even if you’ve never followed the space program, or know anything about rockets, you probably know what “orbit” is. I mean, all the time, the news reports when a spacecraft “reaches orbit”, and the Space Shuttle was often known as […]

5 hours later…
apparently at one point in time (maybe still) local admins could add a PC to a domain.. there is the typical domain limit that one user can add 10 devices. If there are 11 computers, each added with their local administrator, does that count as 11 PCs for that admin or would that technically be different users, so no limit?
@ekaj It's for the domain user that added the computer - the local admin account on the computer can't complete the join alone, a domain account (of any color) is needed. Limit's adjustable, see ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota
ahh I misinterpreted it
the local admin has to be logged on, but you have to use domain credentials to get in completely
now, when adding a pc to the domain, is it best to use a locked-down domain acct just for this purpose?
@ekaj If it's something automated, than yeah - just give it create computer rights on wherever they're getting created (cn=computers by default) and then it can just drop the computers in without running against the limit, and won't have full domain admin.
what do you mean by automated, bulk adding PCs?
sorry if these are stupid questions, I'd just like to do it correctly
1 hour later…
@ekaj It's possible to create a task sequence in most "workstation build" software packages to add them to your domain as part of the build process. This would be automated bulk adding of machines to the domain, as they're built. We do this.
What do you use to do that? I was thinking just make a master image for a specific make and model (and VLKs), clone it to those computers, and manually change the computer name when you add it to the domain - but that can be so slow for large environments
we use SCCM. But then we're deploying thousands of workstations
You should be able to deploy just one image across all your computers using sysprep though - that should give you a generic image that contains whatever software you want as part of the initial install/loadout but will run through plug & play, etc, again so (assuming the drivers are in the image, which you can also do yourself) one image will work over all your systems.
Q: Is it possible to add the feature of "Share link to this question" in the Stack Exchange application for mobiles?

Itai GanotThe Stack Exchange app is one of the best apps I have on my Iphone and I just love it. Sometimes, I wish to send a link to a question by email or sms but the app lacks the feature to share links. Is it possible to add it?

6 hours later…
Q: Notification of edit by the author on a post you downvote

ReacesReading the ServerFault meta (very related to point 1 in that post) a common thread seems to be the decline of the "kindness" factor. One of the more obvious indicator that bad questions are not welcome, is the down-voting. Yet most posts that received one do indeed deserve a down-vote. But ofte...

5 hours later…
Hello all! Do we have anyone experienced with wireless network setup here?
1 hour later…
@fonix232 It seems likely that some of us do. Did you have an actual question? One that, for some reason, won't fit on the main site?
@Zoredache it kinda fits on the main site, but it is more of a cry for help than a question (it was marked "too broad" already).
I have a network to set up - six wireless routers (four TP-Link TL-WR941ND, a Cisco RV110W, and an Asus RT-N10 ver D1), to create one unified wireless network, with the DHCP done via the main server, all devices on the same /24 subnet, using WPA2 Enterprise with Radius
and while it is already set up, the network is slow - for some reason, devices connect to the routers with the weakest signal
You are really hurting yourself by using lots of different low-end APs. You would probably be better off if you replaced all of those with single vendor solution. Something like Aruba/Rukus.
When setup correctly as a group the enterprise APs will be aware of each other. They will self-regulate their power and channels to not conflict, they will use de-auth packets to encourage clients to use the most appropriate APs.
Ah yes, forgot the main issue - the institution is a school on government supply. Meaning, no budget at all. So I have to re-purpose all those routers we have.
I work in K-12 I understand having a tight budget. But the simple fact is you simply are not going to be able to make that consumer crap work together well. Neither stock, or custom firmware will give you the functionality you need to make them work together well.

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