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@yagmoth555 I can set it up here. If it gets too noisy, you can always turn it off
12 hours later…
1 hour later…
finally it might become too noisy lol
how I turn it off ?
but it's handy, I destroyed the user reported, as the spam get deleted by flagging, but the user remain
yeah, I just follow the feeds on my RSS reader
oh ok perfect
I will add the feed to my reader too
Yeah, I don't bother with posts any more
I go for accounts directly
I do also have a chatroom where people report them so we're pretty effective
yagmoth555 has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
I removed, dont dont if it was the correct option
I didnt clciked edit, no ide aIf i could had just mute it
Ya, that works
ok!, will try to make a chatroom for that I think, as its not a bad thing
I think I will name the room Spam 'r US, hehe
8 hours later…
it was -40 celcius this morning, -45 wind factor, I hope it will be better tomorrow
from this morning, hehe, sensor was outside

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