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@CiurkitboyN hello kids
@CiurkitboyN no. It's still not published. I can't decide what topic I should start with. I want it professional. Plus my voice and communication sucks. I can't put my voice.
@Vikas I guess that makes sense
11 hours later…
@Wes 😭
@Wes I don't get it
@Wes lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@CiurkitboyN I get it very well 🤣😂
uhh ok
I still don't get it(And I probably won't)
@CiurkitboyN well
@CiurkitboyN it's about football (soccer as you call it). Denmark lost to England and now Italy has to face England in the finals.
ok I don't follow any sports
@CiurkitboyN i also don't follow football much, but sometimes you have to follow to enjoy 'some moments' like this. Right @Wolff ?
@Vikas Yeah ... It's only in the recent 10 years I've begun to watch sports. But often I regret it when our team fails. Anyway, they did good. Nobody thought they would get so far. Now we can look forward to world championships.
I always thought sports were boring but I guess some people who like sports feel that way about watching people play vid games lol
@Wolff you didn't get the joke 😜
@Vikas I thought I did. Didn't you mean I might regret having watched the matches since we didn't go all the way?
@Wolff Anyway, I must totally agree with you. I also feel very bad when my cricket team loses in franchise cricket leagues. I remember two years ago, the team I was following reached final, i was so happy, and we could win the final, but a few bad things happened and we lost! Before losing completely, I turned off tv. Hoping that some miracle would happen. But I could hear some guys nearby talking that this team has lost the match. That moment, I was sweating a lot! I felt broken!
And then I don't feel like supporting it with same enthusiasm again for few matches.
I might start getting on more often soon
spreadsheet [:
I am almost done with school
therefore I will have more time for not school
@CiurkitboyN Tomorrow is my last day of work before 3 weeks vacation.
@Wolff wow
10% Impressions clickthrough rate
2 mins ago, by Vikas
@Wolff wow
lol apparently 1% of those views are from "Whatsapp" whatever that is
this is my second best video ever
I don't really count my best video because it is an #shorts video
It just got another veiw
@CiurkitboyN That was me. I must admit it's a bit lazy that one. Not much going on. But i guess 100 people wanted to get dizzy.
well It took awhile to make even though yes it is quite lazy I might remake it better but Imight not
@CiurkitboyN "make" or apply the template?
oh the spinning pistures? that took seconds because it was a template
but the sound took awhile
@CiurkitboyN i don't get it. what is the video about
if you listen long enouph you will realise
I have the sound in there multiple times at about 30 seconds it starts the song again
this works
@CiurkitboyN It's a cacophony
@Wolff a cocapho who what now?
@CiurkitboyN Use google
(but spell it correctly)
@Wolff good one
@Wolff good one
@Wolff yeah that explains it
@CiurkitboyN The concept of playing sounds on top of each other to see if new sounds emerge is interesting. Like stacking images. But in this case I don't like the result. I liked the one where you mixed it with a cartoon more.
oh its not meant to sound good
that is the exact opposite of the point
I might make one with the intent of it sounding "good" but right now Im gonna make a Minecraft video
whats this?
@CiurkitboyN It made me think of this Beatles "song" from 1968.
A sound collage of sorts. Probably provoking some people back then. They didn't have computers so it was made with snippets of tape they had to fuse and probably record on top of each other and what have you.
that makes be nauseous uuueh
@CiurkitboyN Yeah. Nobody really likes that track. But it was on The White Album alongside pop hits, so I think it's interesting that experiments like that made it to the album.
6 hours later…
@CiurkitboyN ok
geez you're still active
I've got my 80% sleep
(o )_(o )
I'm always active...
when no one else is
Oh really? What happens after 6 hours from now?
uhhh I read the messages with my mind powers I just can't reply with my mind powers
21 days to go 😜
Okay I'm going to get my remaining 20% sleep.

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