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9:52 PM
Draft: Take an array of numbers. Take the sum, but where every second item is negated.
Draft: Append two matrices [[0,1],[4,5]], [[2,3],[6,7]] => [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]]
Draft: Given a matrix of numbers, return the sums of each row and the products of each column (as two lists or something like that)
Draft: Take an arithmetic operator in the form of a function (one of addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division), and return one of +, -, *, or / depending on what it is
Draft: Given an integer n, output an integer x such that [n+x, n-x, n×x, n÷x, n*x] are all unique integers (* is power)
Draft: Join a list of strings using another string
Draft: Collapse all identical characters
Draft: draw a certain shape that is 8x8. the code should also look like the same shape. 8 lines should be used in the program then.
Draft: Given a multidimensional array, return how many dimensions it has
Draft: Take two (cartesian) coordinate points. Rotate the first around the origin in 90° increments, and return the one closest to the second point
Draft: Given a Cartesian coordinate point, output its polar form
Draft: Given a complex number, represent it in polar form :P
Draft: Calculate compound interest
Draft: Interleave n lists
Draft: Take a string of test cases, separated by newlines, with the input and output separated with a ->. Return a multidimensional array (with each test case represented as [input, output]) or dictionary of them.
Draft: take an input, then for each word, set their letters in alphabetical order keeping their repetitive ones, then output the whole thing.
Draft: Subsequences, going out from the center ('ABCD' -> ['BC', 'ABCD'], 'ABCDE' -> ['C', 'BCD', 'ABCDE'])
Draft: write a program that should output a reversed input. if I have "we're no strangers to love", then the result should be "er'ew on sregnarts ot evol".
10:29 PM
@RedwolfPrograms Not this one - HN's sandboxed it
Oh yeah
I can't get it to move for some reason
Oh. HN's script is broken, forgot.
1 hour later…
11:37 PM
Draft: Shortest S combinator: Given a binary function x, a unary function y, and a value z, output x(z)(y(z)), or x(z, y(z))
Draft: Say "Hello, World!" in the TNB
Draft: Given a string, generate all permutations of all prefixes of the input.
Draft: Manhattan distance between two n-d points
Draft: Replace "keyboard" with "leopard" on a webpage or in a string
Draft: I'm <x> -> You're not <x>, you're <y>
Draft: given three points in the plane (not all on the same line) determine if they describe a circle in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction using any two distinct return values
Draft: Given three points in the plane, determine if they are on the same line
Draft: Template a string: Replace [a,b,c,etc] with a random choice of everything between the brackets.
Draft: Harmonic mean
Draft: Cartesian square with no cartesian product/power/square built-ins
Draft: Vigenere cipher
Draft: Given a multidimensional array (guaranteed not to be jagged), determine its shape
No it isn't
Schrodinger's voting
my clock must be off then :p
You can vote but your vote both counts and does not count
US politics
11:51 PM
Ugh, everything devolves into politics nowadays ;)
"nowadays." Of course a boomer'd say that :P
Okay, voting is now closed
Get off my lawn :P
@user A boomer wouldn't 'Joe mama' me :p
@Ausername They're a childish boomer, even worse

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