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3:52 PM
10 minutes to go, so get drafting quickly!!
Draft: Compare two numbers: if the first is smaller, return -1. If they are identical, return 0. If the first is larger, return 1. The reverse is also fine.
Draft: Return any set of directions which will allow you to navigate from the top left to the bottom right of a maze, made up of any two characters
Draft: Given a list of programming languages, remove the bad ones. All inputs will be in this (space-separated) list; casing is up to you: PHP Python Ruby Zsh JavaScript Java C++ C C# HTML Jelly Vyxal Brainfuck Malbolge. Good languages are: PHP Python Ruby Zsh JavaScript Java C++ C C# HTML Jelly Brainfuck Malbolge.
Draft: Check if a number exists in a nested, possibly jagged list. (e.g. [[[1, 2, [3, 4], [5]], [-1, 123123]], [1, 2]]
Draft: Sleep for 10 minutes.
Draft: Implement a stack based language, with + (addition), _ (negate), : (duplicate), 0 (push 0), and 1 (push 1)
3:55 PM
@pxeger Malbolge????
the joke is "Vyxal bad"
Oh lol
Draft: Take a string of parentheses, and add opening parentheses to the start or closing parentheses to the end in order to make it balanced
Draft: Sort a list of numbers or strings so that no two identical numbers or strings are adjacent
Draft: Write the ugliest code you can.
Draft: given a matrix of sparsely scattered characters, move all the bubbles to the top row.
AB    OB
OD -> AD
3:57 PM
Draft: Vectorize addition, with inputs potentially being: a number and a list of numbers (in either order), two identically long lists of numbers, or two numbers
Draft: Sort a list of positive integers according to the order of another list (same length)
@RedwolfPrograms no builtins?
@pxeger Why ban them?
Yes builtins
@RedwolfPrograms Why not lists of lists and lists of lists of lists?
3:58 PM
For simplicity's sake
because most languages used for golf can do it automatically with their implicit addition, so it's not fair for the few that can't
It's a CMC, nobody cares :p
This one's directed at practical langs
(and is it zipWith(+), or productMap(+) (Haskell-ish))?
Draft: Factorize a number between 1 and 10^100 in less than 3 seconds
([1, 2], [3, 4] -> [4, 6] or [[4, 5], [5, 6]]?)
3:59 PM
Let's start voting now
@pxeger Zipwith, presumably
@RedwolfPrograms voting? do we just star the ones we like and any draft with 1 star gets posted?
Something like that, yeah
Yeah, because we were lazy :P
Draft: Convert radians to degrees (floating-point errors and the like are okay, of course)
That's trivial in practical or golfing langauges lol
4:01 PM
not in malbolge it isn't
And malbolge isn't either of those :p
Draft: dereference a null pointer
wdym, Malbolge is so practical, people have written lisps in it /s
It's started
@Razetime wtf
4:23 PM
Draft: Dot product between two lists of same length

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