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Q: Windows 10 and Mac OS printing different colours from same sources

armadadrive Previously I had asked a question about Adobe printing different colours between PC and Mac, but it turns out that my client is experiencing this issue when printing any documents. I was able to test print two versions of a client's brand-standard RGB value from two machines on the netwo...

I have a project I want to try. I took video of me and my climbing partner climbing the same route without moving the camera in between
so apart from the shadows shifting as time passes hopefully it should be easy enough to overlay one over the other to see who's faster :D
I just want to go back to sleep and pretend this entire weekend never happened. So tired from it
hello room :)
hey johnp
you went climbing again @JohnB?
yep yep
i just got home last night from a weekend with my friends...hasn't dawned on me yet that they're moving away...
morning @johnp
hey Ryan
oh and morning @ElizabethHart
I think we took different enough routes to make hand masking not too much of a pain
@johnp awh
oh frightening! lol though I'm so emotionally barren I probably wouldn't fear the height
how high to the top?
it sounds dumb and obvious but really I just don't look down and don't think about it :)
quite literal out of sight out of mind
30 meters
yeah makes sense! that's impressive
I fell once, actually my first real fall on the type of climbing I'm doing (sport climb)
fell!? I'm assuming you were tethered, though?
yeah, it's actually good to fall. It takes the edge off. Once you're not afraid of falling you'll push yourself to try moves you might not normally
love that xD
@JohnB if you ever take up slack lining I'd fly up to join you. That stuff is so cool - I'm so very bad at it though lol
Love a good fall to get me going, he says
I am not very graceful and definitely fall immediately and twist my ankle off
but there is a lot of overlap in the communities
Seeing how low quality this video is really makes me want to spend money I don't have on a camera that records in 4K
speaking of a 4k camera... the Yi M1 was released in china on the 23rd...it's pretty cheap
I think I have heard of that, it's like a GoPro imitator right? I think it's a cube?
it's a 4/3 sensor though...oh they may do sports cameras also...
what am I thinking of
heh, I'm thinking of the Xiaoyi Yi
yeah i think it's the same manufacturer...they sounds very interesting...with their macbook air alternative too...
ah ok
my miser senses are tingling
speaking of which my chinese colouring pencils may have arrived today...they seem to have passed all production and timber sourcing standards, thankfully. Blood timber is like the new illegal diamond trade
do they pass the johnp standards test?
haha everyone knows I have low standards :P I haven't received em yet as they're mailed to a deposit box, but they're supposedly better than Prismacolors. I was gunna practice with them before i splash out on crazy expensive Caran D'ache which is like 250 at least for 72..
ah, I missed the "may have"
the one that I got is about 30 usd
I clipped out the part of me falling for your viewing enjoyment: gfycat.com/SardonicTintedGoat
it's a pretty tame short fall as far as falls go
:/ are you even wearing knee pads? lol
I am not and as you would expect they are currently a little scratched and banged up
not sure I could continue from a shock like that
I fully knew it was going to happen so it wasn't so bad. Typically the most you can fall under normal conditions is like 7 meters, that was only about 1.5
7...risky business
I need to get a macro rail for my tripod I think with those extension tubes but kinda broke now :(
maybe you could make one for the time being? youtube.com/results?search_query=diy+macro+rail
you can get a neewer one for ~25dollars
how are the tubes working out for you?
I only shot a few around my apartment. Used the projector lens I got in them unattached and then used my 135mm in it.
The 135 works really well but crazy long. Need a larger tripod plate for it
nice, super thin DOF :)
would you want a rail just for making small translation adjustments? Or would you want to stack exposures?
both but small adjustments would've been nice. I was trying to carefully reposition my entire tripod lol
but when I say the lens is silly front-heavy let me show you
the detail is incredible
oh geez haha
Needless to say it wanted to angle down hahaha
did you need a background check for that bazuka
are you sure that's a Sony? Looks like a cannon to me
get it
cause it's like a long barrel
wince lol
thanks guys
here's a photo from the 3rd flower
cool, and yeah I can definitely see why you'd want the rail
@JohnB people want this reopened
Q: 300 faces on 1 poster

FernandoHere is my problem. I have pictures of 300 people in JPG format that are numbered 1 to 300. In excel, I have 300 names in the same order. Now I must make a poster of 10 columns and 30 rows with each face and their name underneath. I have been Googling for 300 minutes and I am beginning to fear I ...

I closed it because he says poster but then says each on a powerpoint slide
IMO its barely related to graphic design (i hate automation questions though) and isn't clear. You think reopen though?
I don't feel strongly either way, if it's just a general "how can I do this" then we already have questions covering this
have a dupe I could use?
if it's "how can I do this in PowerPoint" I would say don't do it in PP :P
Can Data Merge do this within InDesign?
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ might know
or Ryan might know :)
oh, well that makes things messy
yes you can do it in indesign
The Photo Q already has an answer and isn't closed so I would probably just leave ours closed and link to it in the comments for anyone wanting to chip in their suggestions
I opened and reclosed it with a note asking the person not to cross post
looks like Photo was posted a few hours earlier anyways
ah, I just saw the comment on Photo suggesting to post here to make it look more "visually pleasing"
I guess he took that as "post there instead"
they could ask that
Fine, I'll just reopen it and let the community do as they will
2 hours later…
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ coffee in the morning, noon and night!
@Ryan awesome, I switched back to coffee instead of bull
heard what happened over the weekend, sorry about your car
thanks, pretty terrible and ruined my whole weekend. Trying to not let it get to me but yeah, easier said than done
we hit our last 90 degrees over the weekend
1 hour later…
hello room
spent the last century converting the rest of my markers to brush nibs...it was tough as far as 1st world struggles go but I'm ok
very likely to be high from the ink fumes -_*
sorry to hear you had car trouble @Ryan hope it wasn't serious...
Someone hit me while I was driving home from the gym damaging my car's rear fender and sped off. Sounds like it's going to cost me around $1100 all said and done :(
any chance of getting them with cctv footage?
that's horrible
yep so now I probably won't be buying much equipment or traveling for a while :(
still going south to Miami this weekend since that was already planned but after that it'll be cutting back a bit to try and recoup some of the loss to my saving
people like that make me so angry... wish I could help somehow
Q: Questions that are not in English (or broken English)

ScribblemacherI saw this question, which was originally written in Arabic. The author clarified what they were asking, so I edited the title. In the process, I edited the question, based on what I thought they were asking (and using Google translate). It seemed like a simple question and I wanted to help "sav...

2 hours later…
Read this exploration of Moon's themes thru its typography choices & GET even more HYPE for Mute: https://typesetinthefuture.com/2014/02/11/moon/
I'm watching freelancer.com I saw many different designers use same paper photo background like this: krabdesign.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/…
how do they use same background possible? Can I know where is the background come from?

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