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@ymb1 No I dont think a separate discussion is required for each change. I just want some consensus as to whether the changes are necessary en masse.
3 hours later…
Q: Does the FAA have anything to do with landing on the Moon specifically?

uhohThe Motley Fool's Space Investors, Rejoice! There May Be Something Worth Mining on the Moon begins with: It's been four years now since Bigelow Aerospace filed its application with the Federal Aviation Administration seeking "a license to land on the moon" and set up the world's first private...

5 hours later…
@Jamiec I see, thanks for clarifying that -- and thanks for featuring it, but after your explanation I don't think it needs featuring, you've answered the core question -- and I don't know, it will be like opening a can of worms (the tags in general are a complete mess and almost impossible to fix now that I consider the en masse proposition)
would a new meta topic (to be featured) on how to apply aircraft tags from here on out be a good compromise?
@ymb1 Its a good idea. And happy to feature it for a while it you like
@Jamiec the F/A-18 got that pesky slash, once I figure out a proposition I'll make that meta post and let you know, cheers
1 hour later…
posted on June 24, 2019

Airport Gator... 737Max Still Grounded... Floatplane Midair... SantaAna to improve GA facilities... Wheat Field Oops... Low drag skin for aircraft... Callback on equipment failures... UCAP at OSH19... OSH19 Notam is available. Uncontrolled Airspace Podcast. Recorded May 16, 2019.

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