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I just wrote: "In the US, no license is required to transmit using an airband radio while you're aboard an aircraft."
Technically, the rule is that no license is required to transmit using an airband radio while the radio is aboard an aircraft.
Just thought that was kind of a funny technicality. :D
6 hours later…
Dear mods @Farhan @Federico @Jamiec -- I don't want to roll back and flag this post, https://aviation.stackexchange.com/q/60040/14897, without checking first. The revision that changed the question\* did not come from OP, so IMO the right course of action is to revert the edit and VTC as off-topic (the conspiracy theory and uninformed conclusions)

\* the edit invalidates the already existing answer, which is against the *don't change the question if it's been answered* community policy.
imho, the title is the question that the OP edited in. ok, the "how can I find it" is not, but I don't have that strong feelings for or against it. before doing anything at this point, I thinnk that a meta question would help and give the opportunity to everyone to chip in.
so that also the fate of the answer can be discussed.
copy, thanks

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