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posted on September 11, 2024 by bankuei

I saw this video earlier from The Rules Lawyer about some Facebook post where the GM kills a wizard and the general fuss about whether a) that’s ok, b) are players too entitled, etc. However, the thing is, none of these questions are meaningful to answer without some further info to start… Something Doesn’t Add […]

5 hours later…
[wave] I'm putting together a compilation of my GMing tips and table culture recommendations. Anybody who's been around here long enough, is there advice I've given on the subject that stood out to you as worth memorializing?
6 hours later…
@BESW I'm confident there is somewhere, but I can't think of what
@AncientSwordRage I don't answer questions much anymore, but it was nice to find one that I could tie to the DM who has been running our campaigns in his home world. BenjaminTHall. (He's a very good DM). I gave him a shout out.
As to the new tag, I was so looking forward to the play test (allegedly two years) and as it progressed I found myself becoming less and less enthusiastic about it. I ordered the new PHB (In case AL starts up in my area with the new edition) but as I review what they did and didn't do after that "play test" thing we did (9 UAs I think it was) I am finding that the mix of good and bad is unsatisfying.
@BESW Are you referring to your various answers to the questions on the stack? I know I've upvoted quite a number of them and have recommended some to friends over the years.
3 hours later…
posted on September 11, 2024 by bankuei

Quinn Murphy’s Community Radio, the Nightvale-esque RPG of the station recording this weird, supernatural place, just released it’s second edition. https://thoughtcrimegames.itch.io/community-radio

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