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posted on April 11, 2024 by Steph C.

Precious Things is a tabletop RPG that fits into a folded zine to match the size of the little dragons that you'll play as! Find small but precious treasures for your hoard and team up with fellow dragons to help each other create mighty piles of loot! Continue reading “Review of Precious Things, a TTRPG about tiny dragons!”…

2 hours later…
Hey, I'm reading the "A Wild Sheep Chase" adventure module and I'm wondering what the following means: "a Slash that deals 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage" (winghornpressdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2018/02/…, page 5, in the paragraph about apes). What does the "10 (2d6+3)" mean?
I understand that 2d6+3 means, take two six-sided dice, roll them, and add three. Then why is there also a 10? is that the average of 2d6+3? That does seem to check out but I'm wondering if that's a coincidence or not.
@bobismijnnaam 10 is the average result of that roll
5e seems to be adding the average results to rolls. not sure what the intention is - if it's just for reference or can you just use that average if you wish. Might be both.
But it's there.
You can see the same in stat blocks for monsters/NPCs. For example, that PDF you linked to has "Hit Points 67 (9d8 +27)"
I have a dnd lore question and need a suggestion. The sheep chase adventure module mentions the wizard is from a college, which I assume is an institution that trains wizards. But it doesn't mention the exact college, e.g. it's name and/or location. Could someone in this chat suggest me one?
I've been googling and there seem to be some general suggestions (e.g. the red wizards in thay, or plenty of institutions in waterdeep), but I'm having a hard time finding more specific credentials for a school of transmutation wizardry. I'd like the character to tie into the lore of the forgotton realms nicely.
Huh. Now that I'm reading the PDF it might be a typo, as "colleague" also works well in that context. Maybe I should just change it...

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