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2:05 AM
posted on September 28, 2023 by Steph C.

Heckin’ Good Doggos is a TTRPG system and setting where you play as a pawsome pupper who is out for adventure with their pals!  Containing a base game and many variants, including modifications for superhero, sci-fi, and supernatural settings, this TTRPG is great for tagging into a ton of different interests and having a heckin’ good game. Continue reading “Review: Heckin’ Good Do

2 hours later…
4:13 AM
Q: How would you deal with an (actual) etymology that makes no sense in-game?

Ar3sIn mythical worlds (such as, but not limited to, D&D) languages are a thing. People often speak two or more of them. Yet, for the sake of simplicity, players and DMs tend to speak and play in their own native language. I've witnessed a recent argument between a NPC and a fellow player and the con...

Q: Does a hexblood have all of the stated properties of a hag's influence?

Bay PacmanI have a question about the appearance of hexbloods in DND 5E. In their description it reads Some who enter into bargains with hags gain their deepest wishes but eventually find themselves transformed. These changes evidence a hag's influence: ears that split in forked points, skin in lurid shad...

1 hour later…
5:29 AM
Q: What is the nature of a hexblood's "irremovable living crown"?

Bay PacmanI have a question about the appearance of hexbloods in D&D 5E. In their description, it reads Some who enter into bargains with hags gain their deepest wishes but eventually find themselves transformed. These changes evidence a hag's influence: ears that split in forked points, skin in lurid sha...

1 hour later…
6:59 AM
posted on September 28, 2023 by Sam Dunnewold

DICE EXPLODER IS KICKSTARTING SEASON 3 starting October 10th! In 2020, many things occurred. But one of those things was the cultural event known as Blaseball...

2 hours later…
8:51 AM
Q: Is this revision of the level 2 Transmutation Wizard feature balanced? [Version 3]

Disdyakis triacontahedronThis is a follow up to Is this revision of the level 2 Transmutation Wizard feature balanced? [Version 2] I will soon be playing a wizard who I intend to become a transmutation wizard. However, I find the transmutation wizard sorely lacking in power (especially because, to me, any level 2 wizard ...

1 hour later…
9:56 AM
posted on September 28, 2023 by Sam Dunnewold

A memorial episode for America's favorite splort, plus another essay from my 2022 The Awards pile

2 hours later…
11:56 AM
Tone check, does my answer here come off okay?
2 hours later…
1:50 PM
@NotArch I'll check
yea, looks fine.
The question is pretty finicky and if I'd responded, I might have been more harsh
I was trying to be pretty friendly about it. I mean, we still want folks coming here and asking, but ultimately it really wasn't helpful to them in this case.
6 hours later…
7:49 PM
Q: What happens when a sniper picks up a bigger gun in Mutants and Masterminds?

ZachIn Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition, on page 25 of the Hero's Handbook, the rule for balancing attack bonus and effect rank is as follows; Attack & Effect: The total of your hero's attack bonus and effect rank with that attack cannot exceed twice the series power level... For many situations...

3 hours later…
10:20 PM
Q: What are the differences between regular and limited version of Planescape - Adventures in the Multiverse set?

MołotThe set of books for Planescape - Adventures in the Multiverse will start shipping 20.10.2023, in a bit less than a month from when this question is written. Limited edition is much more expensive, and reservations are going fast. Is there a difference, besides "limited" status and alternative co...

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