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Q: Scribes Wizard Feature Questions - Manifest Mind with Light

BlivetWidgetI'm waffling on some interpretations regarding the Order of Scribes wizard subclass in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and would really appreciate some second opinions. Most of the features seem pretty straightforward in their application, but as usual I think there are some edge case spells with...

Q: Scribes Wizard Feature Questions - Manifest Mind with Mage Hand

BlivetWidgetI'm waffling on some interpretations regarding the Order of Scribes wizard subclass in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and would really appreciate some second opinions. Most of the features seem pretty straightforward in their application, but as usual I think there are some edge case spells with...

2 hours later…
Q: Would a Sending spell work on a Petitioner?

SnakehelmIf the caster of a Sending spell knew the target in life - and succeeded in contacting someone on another plane - could the spell function if the target became a Petitioner ?

1 hour later…
Gems in the Rough bundle A bundle hosted by Rathayibacter with content from 20 creators. Whether a new designer or an old hand, it's inevitable that we wind up with something cool and original that deserves more eyes on it than it gets. This bundle is a celebration of those things, our lovely little runts of the litter that deserve a second chance.
@Eddymage For some reason, the Red Wizards of Thay are who leaped to mind when I saw that title
@Ben G'day, Ben.
@KorvinStarmast How do?
You're certainly up late/early
Well, was playing Diablo II with my son, on line, about to hit the hay.
😊 Hope all is well in Oz.
@KorvinStarmast Nice :D
3 hours later…
@KorvinStarmast Yep, it wasn't my first thought because I didn't read so many novels about Thay and in my games the red wizards rarely comes into the story
2 hours later…
@Exempt-Medic Do you mind talking about what sparked the name-change? :)
Let me preemptively find a line in here... somewhere XD
Okay apparently I can't find it but I could've swore I mentioned wanting to change my name a while ago. Been thinking about it for a long while
Still too many ts in the link.
It's the name I'd been using on just about the entire rest of the internet I visit and I'd slowly been changing names over to this one. This was one of the last two standing uses of some form of "MEDIX"
No small part of that rebranding as a whole was from getting through some gender-related struggles that ended in using they/them and, well, the rebranding
Grats on the pronouns!
Oh, shiny!
Yes, congrats on the pronouns! That sounds like a really positive journey.
@Exempt-Medic that's awesome :D
Some unpleasant bumps in the middle, but yeah, the end has been great. It's also not a new change, the pronouns that is. Though removing the old name is now 99% done. Ya know, I'm just gonna make that 100%
That's a good feeling
The whole updating the name thing
Btw, if you've got Pronouns Assistant, it'll also work in chat if you've got your pronouns in your chat profile.
@doppelgreener TIL the chat user page even has an about section
Oh, yes!
@doppelgreener Ooh one of the three scripts I've got for chat!
Never should we accuse the chat UI of being discoverable and easy to use
(Well, the chat bits are, the fiddly bits aren't)
@doppelgreener Fun fact, the other two scripts I use are made by you and made for you.
Holy cow the smile I just made looking at my profile icon is something I was not ready for XD
Awww, yey.
If like me, you aren't allowed to have user scripts, you can run the script as a bookmarklet:
You can bypass that limit by loading it with: javascript:with(document)(head.appendChild(createElement('sc‌​ript')).src='//examp‌​le.com/my.js')._ — Alexx Roche May 27 '16 at 1:00
just throw the userscript address into the src='<HERE>' bit
(AT YOUR OWN RISK obviously)
although that may not have worked for me...
Q: Warlock multiclassing into a spellcasting class - how to shift my level 1 spell over to my new class?

mkdirAs a high-level Warlock whose spell slots are 5th level I can have Warlock spells up to 5th level. But there are one or two 1st level spells that, while they don't scale with spell slot level, are so handy I haven't let them go. But now I'm going to multiclass into a spellcasting class and get so...

Q: Would a werewolf hit with non-magical damage leave a blood trail?

aslumSay, for example, a werewolf triggers a spike trap and fails the DEX save to avoid the spikes. However, they're just iron spikes, not silvered or magical. Would this cause them to shed blood, since they take no damage, or would they just be pinned in place until the trap reset?

Awarewolf would probably try to avoid leaving a trail.
@BESW right leaving trail? TAIL!
I've been spending too long solving Crytptic clues over in Puzzling chat
Though if they did leave a trail, it would help you find wherewolf.
...and now I want to re-watch The Beast Must Die, aka the real first Blade film.
There wolf...there castle (Marty Feldman as Igor)
@KorvinStarmast classic, I should rewatch
Q: If a spell is centered on a point, does suppressing the spell at that point suppress the whole spell?

Guillaume F.Some area spells are centered on a point, such as Fog Cloud: You create a 20-foot-radius Sphere of fog centered on a point within range. Another example is the Darkness spell: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration. Since...

4 hours later…
posted on October 21, 2021 by Bardic Wizard

 It’s been kind of a long week, but I’m feeling much better than I did last week. I have a bunch of ideas for a project, and I’m working on a couple of other projects, but today I wanted to talk about something near and dear to my heart: lace. More specifically, knotted lace. This is a wide category that includes tatting and macrame, so even more specifically, I want to talk about a partic

Q: Can a druid release a readied spell whilst wildshaped?

LovellThe rules for wildshape make it clear that, whilst wildshaped, You can't cast spells With the caveat that ...Transforming doesn't break your Concentration on a spell you've already cast, however, or prevent you from taking Actions that are part of a spell, such as Call Lightning, that you've a...

1 hour later…
Him. Inspired by the question about the d100 that was recently updated, and by my Facebook ads, does anyone have a link to the 'fairness' of the new d4s from Q Workshop? I've tried Google but not found anything reputable. I don't need exact precision, just to know that they're roughly as fair as a generic polyhedral d4 pyramid.
@Scrollreader Sounds like a question for main-site :)
4 hours later…

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