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well, I guess if they had to think of it some time
the 70's works
3 hours later…
hey again @SoraTamashii
Hey Sha! :D
@SoraTamashii so yeah -- sadly, Tuesday mornings is useless as I'm at work then. I take it you can't find a way to wedge things in on a weekend sometime, or do you have a non-typical work week?
also, are you still interested in continuing with Juniper or discussing that further, or would you rather we dropped that altogether @SoraTamashii?
VERY nontypical work week.
I am sticking with Juniper because I love her character too much. I just need to bear in mind that Goodberry is so much better now. :P
@SoraTamashii that explains the Tuesday mornings thing -- I'm on the 8-5 M-F plan myself. so I take it you want to pick up our RP when we get a chance? (I still vaguely recall what I had sketched out plot-arc-wise, even!)
Yeah, I'd like that. But, unfortunately I normally go to work before you get home. :/
There's a chance I'll start getting Wednesday nights off, so I'll let you know if that becomes a thing.
@SoraTamashii please do let me know if that works, yes :)
Okie! :)
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, body starts with title and ends in url, pattern-matching product name in body, +2 more: Weight-loss typically involves by user46815 on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
9 hours later…
hey there @ACuriousMind
@Shalvenay hiya
@ACuriousMind how're things going?
alright here, watching the thunderstorm outside
@ACuriousMind ah. how's your weekends look for trying to finish our game?
@Shalvenay Next one could work on Saturday, and the one after that is still completely free.
@ACuriousMind nice :)
1 hour later…
hey there @nitsua60
hey there @user195539
welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
3 hours later…
Today, I went to another meetup and played Masks. As expected from last time I played it (when the GM was ... okay and the game quite nice but lacking something), with decent players and a good GM, the game is awesome! The social mechanics really work for the teenage drama that Isa core part of the game.
4 hours later…
@Anaphory Nice!!!! I just DMed my second session of Mask last night and was also really happy with the results.
Hello, everyone@
hey there @FallenUser, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
What do we talk about here?
@FallenUser Tabletop role-playing games! Like D&D for example.
And, in this chat occasionally some other off-topic nonsense like birds and other topics of interest. :)
Chat is usually pretty dead on the weekends so I don't expect it will be super exciting right now, but we often hahve very interesting discussions here when people drop in.
Is Minecraft an option
@FallenUser I mean, I have no doubt that some people here have played/are interested in Minecraft. But I'll bet you'll probably find more takers in the video game Stack Exchange (Arqade) and its respective chat which is here
@Anaphory I'm glad it went well. That's one my group has talked about playing some.
What do people like to use for digital campaign management type stuff? I usually use Google Drive, but I couldn't really come up with a convenient way to do an NPC tracker that had all the info I wanted conveniently grouped. I'm trying out OneNote, and I like the section-based organization, but the table features and in-page organization (at least in the browser version) leave a bit to be desired.
Only needing to have one page open is pretty appealing, though.
Our group typically uses Google docs or binders
I would honestly prefer to do things on paper, but I have no idea when we're going to have printer ink again, and I'm not writing everything out. :v
For most things I'd rather have it digital, but I'm tired of trying to tab through a bunch of PDFs.
Honestly I figured physical paper was not a great option
I just know @BESW has used binders
I personally,.. well I keep stuff in my head or a Google doc
@Pixie ....Scrivener.
The second one happens mostly because other people need to see it
@BESW I go back and forth on whether I should buy Scrivener. My experience with similar programs is that they go too far in the other direction for me: too complex.
You can put an entire campaign into Scrivener, complete with hotlinks to rel🐘 PDFs, images, websites, etc. Characters, places, plot notes, session summaries, whatever.
It's very very complex, but relatively easy to ignore most of the complexity.
Like, a lot more than I actually need, which slows me down because I have to navigate through the things I don't need.
I wish I could use Quoll Writer as what little I was able to use it seemed promising, and it's free... but every system I've attempted to use it on has had a glitch that rendered the program unusable. Alas. I did submit a couple of bug reports.
@BESW Does Scrivener allow insertion of tables within a document?
Have you tried Manuskript?

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