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@bertieb Maybe its an australian compass...
7 hours later…
sanity check.. homework?
1 hour later…
@bertieb this is what tapping the compass does.
@JourneymanGeek Wow. Just, wow lol
1 hour later…
@djsmiley2kStaysInside it seemed like they were maybe using a different navigation dealie than Maps' one?
idk, I always keep north fixed
this happened in Bristol
"we have to go that way"
"no, the other way"
"but look!" (points at map)
(gently) "the map isn't the right way up..."
"are you sure?"
"yes..." (zooms out) "for starters, France is not north of the UK"
GPS dosen't beat common sense
3 hours later…
Totally, common sense is key, especially when interpreting GPS directions. It's wild how technology can sometimes steer us straight into confusion if we're not careful. Keeping north fixed on maps is a solid move, though—it keeps things consistent. And yes, France definitely gives away whether your map is correctly oriented!

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