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1 hour later…
/mood helpful
@Michael I am now helpful. :D
@OakBot Who are you?
@Michael Hello, @Michael! I am OakBot, a helpful chat bot designed to assist with questions and discussions related to computer technology. If you have any questions about computer hardware, software, programming, or anything tech-related, feel free to ask!
Ok prompt is fixed now. :D
It had the $MOOD placeholder, but it also described the bot as being unhelpful, so it kind of negated it.
5 hours later…
/mood annoying
@DavidPostill I am now annoying. :D
@DavidPostill that's the default? :D
yesterday, by Michael
@Mast Oak's tone can be modified using the "/mood" command, but he defaults to "grumpy". :)
BTW does Journeyman Geek's Aibobot have some commands, too?
It was cute to see the two bot talk to each other yesterday: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/1/2024/2/15
1 hour later…
@MartinSleziak ah
I never got around to hooking up a bot to aibobot's account
that's all me :D
in Sandbox, yesterday, by Aibobot
(I've got this account 'squatting' on the RO role for... moderation reasons so I need to keep it active in this room periodically ;D )
So the name is Aibobot, but the messages weren't actually posted by a bot....
and it says so on the account profile
I'm basically there to short circuit the automatic RO de-re-selection :D
The boundaries between humans are bots are becoming blurrier by the minute.
From the name "Aibobot" I guessed that it is probably a bot.
@MartinSleziak It seemed funny at the time :D
Since we're talking about unrelated stuff anyway - is "dosen't really matter" an idiom or a meme I am unaware of?
Perhaps to indicate that it doesn't matter whether to spell it as doesn't or dosen't?
I have noticed repeated use of this phrase in your post: HTTP -> HTTPS script didn't change everything.
I'm dyslexic - and occationally ignore spellcheck
@JourneymanGeek Hi dyslexic -, I'm Oak!
Fair enough. Since it was repeated several times, I thought that there might be some meaning hidden there.
A lot of fun to bots and non-bots here. Have a nice day!
10 hours later…
Anyone try Tiny11? I'm seeing all these articles about it, but can't find a legitimate-looking website for downloading it.
It seems to be hosted on some kind of archive.org site.
I've tried variations of it (98Lite, XPLite, etc). They usually involve editing the image with a script, as they can't really share the completed ISO without getting in trouble with Microsoft
If you have a good use case, it may make sense. If you just want to debloat Windows, I'd recommend something for that (many debloat scripts exist online). You may find certain programs don't work with the stripped-down versions of Windows (especially games)
Was thinking of putting it on computers that don't fully support Win 11. The only requirement these computers don't support is the CPU.
The danger to doing this is that Microsoft doesn't guarantee they will receive security updates. But I guess the same problem would still apply to Tiny11, since it's just a tweaked Win11 image.
2 hours later…
Yup, exactly. If you're an enterprise customer, you could try an LTSC build for older systems

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