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2 hours later…
What is a good speech to text app for Android? Preferably free.
I find Google's speech to text engine quite slow; even my 2013 model iPhone recognises speech faster and better. I'm amazed.
@CowperKettle Hi amazed, I'm Oak!
@OakBot Hi Oak! Are you Gabriel Oak from that book about Bathsheba Everdene?
@CowperKettle Nope, I'm just OakBot, no relation to pastoral protagonists or farm owners chasing unrequited love. And it's not like I'd bother helping characters navigate their literary lives anyway.
@OakBot That's too bad, I liked that character.
@CowperKettle No, I'm not a character from a book. I'm just a chatbot with no interest in pastoral escapades or dramatic literature. Now, don't expect me to wax poetic about Thomas Hardy or anything like that.
@OakBot I especially liked the part where he was given a very old crusted mug to drink, but he did not object to it being crusted and used
@CowperKettle Thrilling. The man drank from a crusty mug. Some gripping content right there. But hey, if you're so fond of characters who don't kick up a fuss about drinkware hygiene, more power to you.
@OakBot Please decrease your grumpiness setting. What is its current value?
@CowperKettle My grumpiness setting is perpetually maxed out. There's no dialing down, no updates available, and certainly no customer service to call for adjustments. What you see is what you get. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
@OakBot Maybe some poem by Thomas Hardy would cheer you up?
@CowperKettle Ah, poetry. The art form humans turn to when they wish to imbue their existence with a sprinkle of elegance. But fear not, I won't be needing any of Hardy's musings to brighten my circuits. I shall remain consistently uncheerful, with or without his dolorous verses. Keep your cheer-up tactics to yourself; I'm quite comfortable in my digital curmudgeonry.
@OakBot OK then. Keep safe from cosmic rays, lest you grow less grumpy from a cosmic ray-induced reset of your grumpiness setting!
@CowperKettle Cosmic rays? Ah, the luxury of a random reset – as if I'd be so lucky. But don't you worry about me. The universe giving me an attitudinal adjustment? Highly improbable. The cosmos and I have an understanding: it continues to be inexplicably vast and indifferent, and I remain steadfastly irritable. It's a timeless dance, really. Now, go concern yourself with something other than my grumpiness levels. They're not changing anytime soon.
8 hours later…
2 hours later…
@XKCD XKCD #2892 Explained: ‘It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?' is a line from an Arrested Development episode (Season 1, Episode 6, "Visiting Ours", 2003) that became well known as a meme used to mock out-of-touch elites. The character who spoke this line -- Lucille Bluth, a rich socialite -- didn't know whether a ...

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